A&E The First 48----- Im not the only evil one, am I?


Well-Known Member
Fucn love this show. I think ive watched everyone, and im watching the new one, right now. Am I the only one who thinks, they could 'get away with it'?
I read about local crimes and can figure the shit out.
Stooonneedd rambling...:)


Well-Known Member
I like it to.

I didn't catch the new one though and I dont feel like unplugging/replugging a bunch of wires to watch cable right now so I'll have to catch it later.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have also seen most if not all of them..I didnt catch any of the new ones though. I feel like these shows just teach everybody how to commit a murder and get away with it. I mean every episode there teaching people what all they look for when there doing an investigation, looking for evidence, interrogating suspects ect... Same thing with that show DEA.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha Dont even get me started on DEA,Its a awesome show theres just so many fucking idiots on there that snitch for no reason,The DEA has no say in getting you a fucking reduced sentence.
I think theres allot more to it then avoiding the law for 48 hours to.I seen one when the time was up and someone snitched so they got him still.The biggest thing would be to just not talk to the police and more then half of these people could of been free if they just knew that.