Hey man, hope you don't mind but i'm going to post the method i've been using, its worked great. I didn't come up with any of it, just been info and advice i've learned from reading and this site. Let me know if you have any questions. Hope it helps, peace.
1. Identify branches to clone off of...first i'm looking towards the top branches because they contain more growth hormones than the lower branches, and this helps in root generation. I also make sure that the nodes on the branches indicate its a mature stem. So if the two nodes appear exactly opposite of each other its not mature, they should be spread out. One node on the left and then the next one up comes out opposite. Then I'm clippin them using a sharp steralized scissor just above a node and making sure at least 3 nodes appear above it.
I sterilize my scissors and blade by dipping a paper towel in H202 at 3%. Just wipe the blades and rinse with water. H202 is Hydrogene Peroxide, a bottle is less than $1 almost anywhere.
2. I then use an exacto blade and cut a 45 degree cut about 1/4 inch below the first node. I lightly scrape from the node down to break down the skin a little. With the blade i also cut off any other branches except for the top one's of course. I cut the leaves to half and i dip the stem in water and swirl it for a couple in hopes of getting any air bubbles off the stem bottom. The apparent reason that leaves are trimmed in half is to reduce the transpiration of the plant. Since they have no roots they will absorb water through their leaves. Its also where they lose their water. Trimming in half reduces the area it can lose water. Makes sense but i don't know if its necessary if you can control the humidity, such as in a dome.
3. At this point I pack the peace pipe and take a hit or two.
4. I dip the clones into my rooting gel and put them into my rockwool cubes. I've had much better luck with Rapid Rooters cubes than the plain rockwool. You also don't need to soak rapid rooters in PH balanced water for 12-24 hours prior like you do with the plain rockwool. Also, put the rooting gel your going to use into a separate container. Dipping the stems into your main rooting gel container can contaminate it with things. And put your gel in the fridge when not in use.
FYI: You know the generic rapid rooters? The kind that looks just like rapid rooters but comes basically in a zip block bag, has no label, and is way cheaper. Its just as good.
5. Also, I make sure when i put my stem into the rockwool that the hole is tight around the stem. I usually don't use the premade hole because its too large for the clone stems sometimes. I'll use a toothpick and poke through and make another hole. I then mist the leaves, i also misted the rockwool cubes a little.
6. Once they are ready i put them into my clone dome. A green house dome, like $20 at a hydro shop, The light is like $35 bucks, and the heat pad you should get is $35 as well.
I will say you can do this way cheaper than that. Walmart has the domes for much cheaper i believe. You can buy any flourescent light or even use a couple compact flourescents. And you can put your dome on top of any heat source. As long as it isn't too hot. Usually people recommend a DVD player or stereo.
7. I'll mist the inside of the dome and the plants once in the morning and thats it. In the evening i'll vent it for awhile. I won't have any water in the bottom of the tray. I don't want the cubes to absorb it and become too damp and rot the roots. Just make sure the cubes don't look dry, they should look moist.
Thats it, I struggled doing it a couple other ways. But with everyones help on this site this has worked out excellent for me. I start to see roots after 7-10 days.
I usually wait till the roots get nice and long before i transfer them, usually takes no more than 14 days. Also, towards day 10 or so I do put water at the bottom of the tray, enough so that it is just touching the cubes and I add nutes. I use Floranova Grow series at 300ppm. Then they'll go straight into the flowering area at 1400ppm.

Cleanliness is important, i forgot to mention i was non latex throwaway gloves, a pack of 50 was $3 at walmart. Clean cutting board, sterilized blades and your good. H202 3% is all you need, thats strong enough. And be sure to wipe/rinse with water after. The H202 shouldn't directly touch a stem.