A few different things...


my ladies here (finally confirmed) have been looking a little down this week.
i noticed the serrated edges on the young leaves were getting a little reddish/purplish about 4 days ago,along with more yellowing of the leaves.
i watered 10 days ago with alfalfa tea, they seemed to love it
organic growing
its indoors on 20/4 of light/dark
temps 67-71 F at night, 79-82 F during the day
humidity always 55-65%
i water every 3 days usually( when the container seems more then 50% dry
with Distilled water and rain water
i also add a little bit of epsom salt water
but 3 days ago i noticed some spots on the young leaves that looked like magnesium deficiency
I just gave these 2 girls some bat guano tea yesterday bc the yellowing hasn't gone away just got worse.

Ive been so busy lately i dont get to check my girls till 7pm
if anyone can help me with this it would be so grateful, i dont want to loose them



Well-Known Member
Could be calmag I would transplant into bigger containers first, pull them out and look at the roots.


yea i know, im going to figure out something.
im waiting for the 2 last ones to show there sex.
i sprayed them all down with epsom salt 1tsp to a gallon
guna just wait and see if they start lookin better

Po boy

Well-Known Member
you could be giving it too much magnesium with all the Epsom salt added. let the soil dry out and then flush really well. GL


im going to upgrade the pots to i believe 3 gallon pots tonight.
yea i only foiler fed with the epsom salt water 2 times
ive now got the last male out and have more space


Well-Known Member
"i water every 3 days usually( when the container seems more then 50% dry"

no, no, no..............allow pots to dry out more. no more Epsom salt spray. yes.......bigger pots.