A few messed up plants?

Looking good now you wont have to question your PH ever again unless that pen breaks, usually they last a good 5 or more years though lol so that shouldn't be a problem.

Dang I figured there was definitely a ph issue and 8.1 is wayyy too high. You definitely will want to drop it down to a good 6.2-6.5 PH for soil. You can play around in that range and see how the plants respond.

Miracle Grow used to be really bad for growing weed but it seems like its actually really good these days from what I've seen on this forum. Lots of people would hate on it in the past and "hydro shops" that sell mainly cannabis oriented soils and mediums (coco, peat, perlite etc) never stock the box store brands like Miracle Grow.

It looks really good considering the choice of soil and I can understand sometimes its hard to find anything else depending on location. I've personally got to drive 1 hour round trip to get my Coco I grow in and I'm in Michigan where its legal to grow recreationally up to 12 plants per adult and medically 12 plants per/patient.

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Lol I grew up in Southern Michigan. One of the first to get my medical card there. I move to Florida 10 years ago and as soon as I leave they go full legal.
I hate that place
Heres some update photos for those of you interested in the progress of the plants.
They have come a long way. Thanks for all the help saving them.


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Fuck yea! them plants look great bud! keep it up! they are going to grow FAST now and you can add a tad more light if need be but be careful. I think you are rocking a 600hps.... if so you will be fine.
Bro swear to god they are real. I topped them 1 week ago and repoted on friday and they really have taken off. No LST of any kind they are just growing like that.
600 hps 25 inches up on a 18/6 schedule.
no , i meant the LIZARD on top of the plant! that is the coolest thing i have ever seen!
He is 100% real too. One morning it was like 35 out and he was in the hatch on my car about frozen. I picked him up and put him in there and he hasn't left yet. Everyday I spray what ever plant he is on wirh water and he drinks it off the leaves. Its cool to see. He seems to have no fear of me what so ever but does not like it if I move the plants around to much.
Weekly update! Holy shit is all I can say..
Thankyou Troll Army!


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So what were your fixes?

pH and you changed nutes?
Watering habits to start. When they were a week old I accidentally watered with the wrong water and hit them with full strength nutes.
I have only watered these plants 3 times since the 1st and gave them fox farm grow big and bloom and blossom one time. And yes I bought a expensive ph stick and ph up and down. Ph is always 6 5 before I water.
I up potted about a week ago and also changed my lighting from 24 hr to 18/6.
I also installed a temp controller that keeps my area between 72 and 77 always. Only time it ever changes is if I leave the door wide open.
The biggest impact was asking for help on rollitup and listening to it.