A few Mind benders that are interesting to think about

I have a set of questions based on philosophy And i think there'll be some interesting answers it also gives people who look at them something to think about.

1. If a Tree Falls in a forest when theres no one around Will it make a noise?

2. Sometimes People Can get De Ja Vu, Well Some people think that we have lived past lives and will live other lives once we have completed our goals in this one.
Well what i want to know is when we get De Ja Vu is it because we have to repeat this life because we didnt do certain things to pass on into the next?

3. Is our Mind in our bodies? Or is it Sepreate from our bodies? Or Are the Images our mind produces in our heads Hallucinations that we can control?

4. Sometimes when we sleep our dreams can be awkward or nice but sometimes they can be Nightmares, While we are asleep doo our spirits Leave our Body and travel into different dimensions and take on different forms in a world created by our own subconsious? and if you think not then explain why it is extremely rare to come across your reflection in a dream.

And Last but not Least.

In a mirror you see your reflection, but what is your reflection staring back at? And does it move at its own will when you've got your back to the mirror and also are mirrors pieces of parrallel worlds? If you think no Explain why not.

If Any of these questions Offend Religion or anything like that im Sorry i Asked these Soulely on the bases of the fact i want to see what people can come up with in their imaginations and the answers they can give to all 5 questions.

If you don't answer all 5 questions then please can you say which question your answering before you post



Well-Known Member
I have a set of questions based on philosophy And i think there'll be some interesting answers it also gives people who look at them something to think about.

1. If a Tree Falls in a forest when theres no one around Will it make a noise?
According to quantum physics, the tree has not fallen unless it is observed. Like Schrodinger's cat, the tree is both upright and felled at the same time so I guess it would be the same with the noise.
2. Sometimes People Can get De Ja Vu, Well Some people think that we have lived past lives and will live other lives once we have completed our goals in this one.
Well what i want to know is when we get De Ja Vu is it because we have to repeat this life because we didnt do certain things to pass on into the next?
I have a feeling I've answered this question before.
3. Is our Mind in our bodies? Or is it Sepreate from our bodies? Or Are the Images our mind produces in our heads Hallucinations that we can control?
The enigmas of the mind and consciousness will be uncovered in the near future as we learn more about the quantum world.

4. Sometimes when we sleep our dreams can be awkward or nice but sometimes they can be Nightmares, While we are asleep doo our spirits Leave our Body and travel into different dimensions and take on different forms in a world created by our own subconsious? and if you think not then explain why it is extremely rare to come across your reflection in a dream.
All within the brain.
And Last but not Least.

In a mirror you see your reflection, but what is your reflection staring back at? And does it move at its own will when you've got your back to the mirror and also are mirrors pieces of parrallel worlds? If you think no Explain why not.
Reflections are nothing more than photons bouncing off another surface. There is nothing magical or unusual about mirrors.


Well-Known Member
I have a set of questions based on philosophy And i think there'll be some interesting answers it also gives people who look at them something to think about.

1. If a Tree Falls in a forest when theres no one around Will it make a noise?
noise is simply air moving. if the tree does in fact fall, the air WILL move even if someone is not there. but if you look at it in a quantum physics sense, the tree is both up and fallen like mundphuck said

2. Sometimes People Can get De Ja Vu, Well Some people think that we have lived past lives and will live other lives once we have completed our goals in this one.
Well what i want to know is when we get De Ja Vu is it because we have to repeat this life because we didnt do certain things to pass on into the next?
according to this, it seems to be in the brain circuits. the event somehow goes into long term memory before going into the conscious parts. so we perceive it as a distant memory as opposed to an event happening currently.

3. Is our Mind in our bodies? Or is it Sepreate from our bodies? Or Are the Images our mind produces in our heads Hallucinations that we can control?
the simple answer is we dont know. but i personally think its all in our brains. our consciousness is just an extremely complexed system of connections. each part of the brain does certain functions, and they all come together to give us our experiences. if someone injures their brain, terrible things can happen to our senses, memory, beliefs, and even consciousness.

4. Sometimes when we sleep our dreams can be awkward or nice but sometimes they can be Nightmares, While we are asleep doo our spirits Leave our Body and travel into different dimensions and take on different forms in a world created by our own subconsious? and if you think not then explain why it is extremely rare to come across your reflection in a dream.
no our spirits dont leave our body and go to another world lol. dreaming in a sense is unconscious hallucinations. i dont really know much about it though.

And Last but not Least.

In a mirror you see your reflection, but what is your reflection staring back at? And does it move at its own will when you've got your back to the mirror and also are mirrors pieces of parrallel worlds? If you think no Explain why not.
1: Dude, If I fart here, it made a noise, did you hear it? I got a getter question, if I close my eyes and my ears, does the world stop existing? Am I the maker of my own reality? Are you a figment of my imagination?

2: Nah, I think it's a glitch in the matrix

3: Our Mind is not part of our body, we are but a part of the mind of the creator. God's dream if you will.

4: Row Row Row your boat,
Gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,

5: You are the reflection, lol.
1: Dude, If I fart here, it made a noise, did you hear it? I got a getter question, if I close my eyes and my ears, does the world stop existing? Am I the maker of my own reality? Are you a figment of my imagination?.
To Answer your Question, you may say im a part of your immagination, Well prove you are not a part of my immagination, designed specifically for this moment in time where we will make contact through the electrical Devices to test each others interlectual stattus and come up with a Logical Explanation for your Question
It's Like Me saying to you prove you are not dreaming. Because in Dreams theres no beggining we just start at some point in a specific place and the dream begins to take course, Well I Will bet you a few hundred Dollars you dont remember the first few months (Maybe years) of your life and then as soon as you've reached a sudden age you can just remember little bits and pieces, Because you Cannot Remember how you got to a particular place in a dream, it just starts and it goes on from there and you may know how you were born but as i've said you wont remember your first few months being alive just a certain kickstart where you have your first memory.

So before Talking to me about me being a figment of your immagination prove that your not a figment of my imagination and prove that this is reality.


Well-Known Member
I have a set of questions based on philosophy And i think there'll be some interesting answers it also gives people who look at them something to think about.

1. If a Tree Falls in a forest when theres no one around Will it make a noise?

2. Sometimes People Can get De Ja Vu, Well Some people think that we have lived past lives and will live other lives once we have completed our goals in this one.
Well what i want to know is when we get De Ja Vu is it because we have to repeat this life because we didnt do certain things to pass on into the next?

3. Is our Mind in our bodies? Or is it Sepreate from our bodies? Or Are the Images our mind produces in our heads Hallucinations that we can control?

4. Sometimes when we sleep our dreams can be awkward or nice but sometimes they can be Nightmares, While we are asleep doo our spirits Leave our Body and travel into different dimensions and take on different forms in a world created by our own subconsious? and if you think not then explain why it is extremely rare to come across your reflection in a dream.

And Last but not Least.

In a mirror you see your reflection, but what is your reflection staring back at? And does it move at its own will when you've got your back to the mirror and also are mirrors pieces of parrallel worlds? If you think no Explain why not.

If Any of these questions Offend Religion or anything like that im Sorry i Asked these Soulely on the bases of the fact i want to see what people can come up with in their imaginations and the answers they can give to all 5 questions.

If you don't answer all 5 questions then please can you say which question your answering before you post

1.The answer to this would already be found in part of your question,noise is whats heard by the ears,when no ears are around guess what.........
2.To put it simply and perhaps abstract, everytime i wanna go where i really wanna be its already where i am.
3.Our mind and body are two seperate things one being physical the other an internal projection basicaly speaking,yet the mind is in the body because well the head is part of the body,I wouldnt say they areHallucinations that can be controlled ,more like directed hallucinations when practiced enough.
4.Dreams arent so much as a travel to a different dimension as it is a reflection of the three known parts of the psyche being the Ego,Superego,and the id.Self,higher self and primitive self.Each reflection is somewhat like looking at an image in a mirror but more so looking at symbolic amalgamations of youre minds desires.
5.Mirrors dont contain gate ways for dimensional travel what have you,they are made of glass and bounce photons of light directly back at you to the image you are observing basically.


Well-Known Member
no our spirits dont leave our body and go to another world lol. dreaming in a sense is unconscious hallucinations. i dont really know much about it though.
You don't know much about it yet you answer with such certainty. Why would these hallucinations only occur while we're asleep?


Well-Known Member
The enigmas of the mind and consciousness will be uncovered in the near future as we learn more about the quantum world.
dude i have all respect for you but pls pls dont encourage the woo by uttering those 2 words in a sentance again pls ;)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
no one knows weather or not dreams are real or unreal, no one knows if your dreams really happen in another dimension or not. if they happen, and you remember them...whos to say they didnt really happen? only you can decide...

personally, i like the thought of me flying in my lucid dreams to be real.. but of course i cannot be 100% sure if they are or not...more like 50/50


bud bootlegger
no one knows weather or not dreams are real or unreal, no one knows if your dreams really happen in another dimension or not. if they happen, and you remember them...whos to say they didnt really happen? only you can decide...

personally, i like the thought of me flying in my lucid dreams to be real.. but of course i cannot be 100% sure if they are or not...more like 50/50
i always like to toy with this train of thought... what if the dream world was the one that really mattered, and it's our actions and thoughts that occur in the dream world that determine what will happen to us in the next life if you will, and what we do in this world is only waiting for us to get back to our dream world, the real world??


Well-Known Member
You don't know much about it yet you answer with such certainty. Why would these hallucinations only occur while we're asleep?
they dont. people can hallucinate while awake for many reasons. DMT is one of the chemicals used in dreams and out of body experiences.

when you are asleep, some parts of the brain shut down more than others. one of the parts that isnt working as much is the prefrontal cortex, which is what gives us logical thought. this is why in dreams we dont seem to care if crazy/unusual things happen.

if you look at a clock in a dream, then look away and look back, it will always be a different time. the brain makes it up as it goes.


Well-Known Member
no one knows weather or not dreams are real or unreal, no one knows if your dreams really happen in another dimension or not. if they happen, and you remember them...whos to say they didnt really happen? only you can decide...

personally, i like the thought of me flying in my lucid dreams to be real.. but of course i cannot be 100% sure if they are or not...more like 50/50
we know that dreaming is a function of the brain. we just dont know everything about how it works. i dont know where people get this idea of it being another dimension lol what makes you think it is? just because its different than our reality?


Well-Known Member
if you look at a clock in a dream, then look away and look back, it will always be a different time. the brain makes it up as it goes.
yeah.... and we don't dream in color, it's impossible to turn lights on or off in a dream, and you have no reflection in dreams. This kind of stuff may ne true for some people, but it's totally not universal.


Well-Known Member
yeah.... and we don't dream in color, it's impossible to turn lights on or off in a dream, and you have no reflection in dreams. This kind of stuff may ne true for some people, but it's totally not universal.
i havent remember a dream in a looong time, but i think i remember having a few in color. not really sure though. the light thing is interesting. maybe our brain cant figure out how light works, so it has a hard time imagining which areas would light up, and which would be shaded.


Well-Known Member
yeah.... and we don't dream in color, it's impossible to turn lights on or off in a dream, and you have no reflection in dreams. This kind of stuff may ne true for some people, but it's totally not universal.
This sounds like old wives tales that you are just repeating.

We do dream in color. You can do just about anything in a dream, turning on and off lights is not going to be a huge challenge.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
1. Yes.
2. No, it's because we confuse past lived situations for current situations. If I see a woman walking a brown dog and I get De Ja Vu it's probably because I've seen a woman walking a brown dog before. Reincarnation is NOT a reasonable/rational belief.
3. Our mind is in our bodies (your brain sits in your skull)
4. What? Spirits/souls do not exist.


Well-Known Member
45. auto, .357 mag, 12 guage, are a few mind benders i can think of right now

I have a set of questions based on philosophy And i think there'll be some interesting answers it also gives people who look at them something to think about.

1. If a Tree Falls in a forest when theres no one around Will it make a noise?

2. Sometimes People Can get De Ja Vu, Well Some people think that we have lived past lives and will live other lives once we have completed our goals in this one.
Well what i want to know is when we get De Ja Vu is it because we have to repeat this life because we didnt do certain things to pass on into the next?

3. Is our Mind in our bodies? Or is it Sepreate from our bodies? Or Are the Images our mind produces in our heads Hallucinations that we can control?

4. Sometimes when we sleep our dreams can be awkward or nice but sometimes they can be Nightmares, While we are asleep doo our spirits Leave our Body and travel into different dimensions and take on different forms in a world created by our own subconsious? and if you think not then explain why it is extremely rare to come across your reflection in a dream.

And Last but not Least.

In a mirror you see your reflection, but what is your reflection staring back at? And does it move at its own will when you've got your back to the mirror and also are mirrors pieces of parrallel worlds? If you think no Explain why not.

If Any of these questions Offend Religion or anything like that im Sorry i Asked these Soulely on the bases of the fact i want to see what people can come up with in their imaginations and the answers they can give to all 5 questions.

If you don't answer all 5 questions then please can you say which question your answering before you post



Well-Known Member
You can do just about anything in a dream, turning on and off lights is not going to be a huge challenge.

i dram once that i was president and got us all out of this bullshit mess, i simply legalized cannabis and grew on large 1000 acre plots


Well-Known Member
This sounds like old wives tales that you are just repeating.

We do dream in color. You can do just about anything in a dream, turning on and off lights is not going to be a huge challenge.
That's my point...

The same is true of Luger's "Clock" observation. Both the lights on and off thing, and the no reflection are fairly well documented in different studies regarding dreams, but once again, it really doesn't happen for everyone. The common iteration is that a light bulb may light and the switch may function, but the actual ambient light level doesn't change. There have been studies done with people who are able to lucid dream consistently and they tried various different iterations of performing these actions and recorded their results. Some saw no change in ambient light, some even had reasons for such, like the outside porch light came on instead of the light they were planning, or even some weird results like the light bulb filling with tar instead of lighting up. Still others saw the light turn on and the ambient light changed as would be expected.

There were a few "impossible" things like this as well, but I cannot recall them or find the source. Regardless, my entire point is that making such claims is a load of crap, because they are never universally true for all people.

And no, not everyone dreams in color. That's why the misconception got started in the first place....