A few questions and concerns of mine


New Member
how to tell when purple on the plant is genetic or bad ?
one of my bag seeds leaf stems are dark purple and theres hints of purple smears on the stalk .
why would this leaf begin to turn yellowishwhite just on one peice when my bulbs are welll away .mh one seventy five . and t five h os four bulbs thirty nine watts each one bluue threee white
is eighty four to eighty six to hot ? threefourths of my day range eighty two to eighty six . im maxed onn fans for now aaand im in flower my rhm has been forty threw thirty five



Well-Known Member
purpling can be genetics, rapid temp changes to nute def and that fan leaf looks scorched, bend and tie you're plants down and try getting an even canopy not too close to that light


Active Member
86 is a bit warm if your lingering around that for most of the day. The purpling your describing is most likely a genetic trait triggered by the difference between night And day temps. Just keep a daily eye on it and start thinking of a cheap way to bring your temp down just a hair. Are you regularly exchanging the air in your grow space, or is it sealed?


Active Member
I think 86 is a bit warm, but I think what you are seeing is red-ish looking leaf stems. I've recently learned that those are nitrogen sinks, as opposed to green stems that are nitrogen sources. Maybe your plant is a little nitrogen-deficient?

The warm temp won't make your plants grow worse, you'll just have to watch them carefully and probably water them more occasional than if they were in mid 70's.