A few questions quick help please


Active Member
If I veg in a long hydro box with plants seperated by 6" will the roots intertwine and make seperating certain plants to flowering a problem?

With hydro setup how do you test the Tds, do you leave a hole big enough to stick the pen in or lift the lid each time or what?

Also how do people flush their systems do they leave a bulkhead capped and use it as a drain once a week or do you need to remove all the plants and dump the bins and wipe them down or what?


Well-Known Member
If I veg in a long hydro box with plants seperated by 6" will the roots intertwine and make seperating certain plants to flowering a problem?
why would you need to separate them..

and youve seen pictures of how big root systems can get, you can estimate roughly how much space you will need for the roots, as it correlates with the size of your plant.


Well-Known Member
With hydro setup how do you test the Tds, do you leave a hole big enough to stick the pen in or lift the lid each time or what?
your choice. a small hole with a removeable cover is best.

Also how do people flush their systems do they leave a bulkhead capped and use it as a drain once a week or do you need to remove all the plants and dump the bins and wipe them down or what?
again, different people use different methods, try having a plugged outlet at the bottom of your setup, or using a water pump.

what do you mean 'dump the bins'?


Active Member
I want to seperate them to only move say 2 of 6 to flowering every month, and make 2 new clones off of my mothers. This way at the end of every month I am able to have 2 plants ready to harvest and always have some in veg that are ready to take their place. I want to have only 12 total plants or less as MMS for 12+ if 5 years and MMS for less then 12 is 1 year. My idea was to have two mothers in permenate veg in their own DWC. I plan on having a long bin (drip/DWC) in my veg room for my clones and 6 net pots in the one long bin, every month moving two out and everything down one position in the bin. This way when they move to flowering they are 3 months from clone, and spend 8 weeks in the flowing room. This gives me a total of 4 plants in the flowering room, 6 in veg, and 2 monthers in veg. So 12 plants, and every month 2 are ready @ 5 months old. If they are going to tangle roots in the veg DWC bin then I wouldnt be able to always move them down the line