A few questions...


Active Member
Would it be possible to mix this with 2ce, to make it into liquid form? Ive heard that if you mix it in with DMT and touch it on your skin it will absorb and you will still trip off it!


Or is Ethanol the way forward? When my friend did it with vodka (40%) it would freeze, it was no problem warming it up only took a few seconds.

Will ethanol make it not freeze?
Tried DMSO with LSD, Psylocibin and coke. I never thought the garlic smell was all that bad but some of my friends commented that I smelled even more like garlic than i usually do. The acid worked pretty well, the psylocibin worked - well, ok and the coke was stupid. In my opinion, if you dose in the range of a few milligrams (don't know what the standard DMT dose is) And the substance disolves in DMSO (lots of things do) then you have yourself a new delivery system. It is NOT like mainlining, more like IM. this may indeed be a special way to get around the problems inherent in DMT use. I'm not going to find out though so good luck.
DMSO will carry anything it can dissolve (which is a great many things) right through the skin into the blood stream. If you put a few drops of OJ in it and stick your finger in you'll taste oranges almost immediately. If the salt won't dissolve you might need to make the freebase to get it to dissolve.
DMSO wouldn't be good for making blotters because it won't evaporate. For putting something onto a blotter you want a volatile solvent (polarity determined by the substance's solubility and what the paper will absorb).
You use DMSO to make a liquid that goes right through the skin into the blood stream. It also raises the bioavailability of the carried substance because it goes right into the bloodstream. DMSO freezes just under room temp (18°C iirc), which can be a pain but it's easy to melt.