The seeds are fine, the grow-plan is poorly thought out. Since you are still at home, you would be much better off germinating them in the spring and doing a small outdoor grow next year. I realize that you have probably been looking at all the beautiful photos that indoor growers in this forum post and you are all excited about attempting to do it yourself so little could be said to dissuade you from this bad idea but I will make an attempt.
This will almost certainly put you, and your parents at serious risk for discovery and possible prosecution. Isolating yourself and your parents from your grow is paramount to security. A medical-grade cannabis strain is quite likely to emit mild or even strong odors even during the early stages of vegetation/development. Carbon scrubbers/filters and other equipment that is required to mitigate odor problems can be expensive and noisy (fans). Again, do a small guerilla grow in the spring or, ignore my advice and prepare yourself for a heap of trouble.