A few quick questions reguarding iso (ie rubbing alcohol) hash!


Active Member
i realize im going to have a huge amount of trim and didnt want it all to go to waste. i wanted to make iso hash as it appears to be a relatively cheap investment (All i need is rubbing alcohol...got everything else just laying around) but when i researched methods of making the hash i ran into some conflicting directions between one step by step guide to the other.

my questions are as follows:

How long must the leaves be dried out? are "dead"/brown leaves (that have been picked and just sitting out for weeks) acceptable to use as well? or ONLY lush green leaves that have been dried out?

i ask because i had some trimmings that i forgot to throw away from like a few weeks/month ago...so i wanted to know if they were usable before i screw up and toss em out?

secondly...how long must the plant matter sit in the iso for? i read from 2hrs up to 24hrs...thats a wide window of time there...was hoping to get a more accurate answer.

and anything else i need to know about iso hash making!

note: dont worry i do NOT intend forcing the alcohol to evaporate faster by placing it over open flame...im not a moron. haha. any and all advice is GREATLY appreciated. (keep in mind i never made hash before but the iso method seemed the least inexpensive to try). and am i correct i do NOT want denatured alcohol correct?


Active Member
thanks for the input. its greatly appreciated. those trimmings smell fuking nasty! im gonna need a mask damn near...smells like what my grass trimmings smell like before they get picked up by the garbage company haha.

anyone else care to chime in?
use only green ones , use only leaves trimmed from the buds that will have thc on them. put them in alcohol for 2-5 minutes , its not a big deal how long, agitate then strain through screen from your grinder or coffee filters and let dry
if i know anything about making tinctures, which i guess i do. soak that shit for a while... seems like if you look up "green dragon" or whatever they always say to soak for at least a week. years ago i tokk an eighth and soaked it in about 1 1/2 ounces everclear for 2 weeks. shook it up every day, and let it sit in the dark. i was hoping to make a tincture. i had made other herbal tinctures and knew that that was about how it was done. after soaking i was left with a very dark green, weed tasting mix. and yeah about 2 dropper fulls did the trick. i got bored though and decided to poor the remainder onto a piece of flat glass to dry. pouring only about a table spoon at a time, waiting for it to dry infront of a fan and repeating. by the time it was all poured out the glass was coated to the point that you couldnt see trough it. scraped it up with a razor and was left with an amount i was happy with. GOOD shit too. great actually better than all the commercial stuff too, and i live in portland where the weed is great and the hash is better. rock on. lates, check out mu mutant plant in my profile. any input?