A few specific questions


Hi guys,

I'm not a total noob ive done a couple 250w NFT grows in a closet back a few years. I'm getting back on the horse now with soil indoor 400w grow.

A couple questions

1) i've got a balcony that gets alot of sun.. once sprouted can I veg the plants there for awhile before putting into the growtent? If so how long for?

2) i've got a number of different seeds in 3 x White widow, 2xLaughing Buddha(fem), 2xBrainstorm(fem) and 6xAurora Indica. These cost me abit so i'd rather use them for a few grows my question is can I grow indica/sativa alongside each other?

3) inline fan or centrifugal fan quieter? Silence is paramount to this grow..

Thanks in advance for any replies!


Well-Known Member
1) you can pretty much veg them for as long as you want outdoors before moving them in, one time i vegged a crop outside for 3 months then brought it in my flowering room. but just gotta watch out for bringing bugs indoors from ur outdoor plants
2)sure you can grow them becides eachother, it would pretty much be a good idea to to have a variety of strains too
3)as far as them fans it pretty much depends on the exact models. i haven`t hade much experence with centrifuge fans but i wrap my ducting with insulation and my inline fans run really quite.
hope bthis helps, if you need anymore help hit me up


Active Member
1. Yes. How long depends on strain and goals. 3 weeks is a good round number.

2. Sure but you'll have to deal with different plant heights as the Sativa's will almost certainly grow taller.

3. Inline. If you really, really need quiet, construct a particle board box and mount the fan inside that. Then suspend the fan from the ceiling with rubber bungees. Run the output of that through a duct muffler and the output will be a whisper. My 4" Hydrofarm inline fan just hangs inside the tent and the sound is about as loud as a clothes dryer. The cats love the sound and sleep near the tent.


ok so i sprouted my seedlings and tried them on the balcony... no joy.. they stretched and looked really weak.. after 1 week they looked just the same so i've brought a 28w CFL and put them under that 24/7 to promote some growth..


ok 1 died under the CFL and one looked really weak I transplanted to bigger pot the survivor and put back on balcony since its been sunny..its got a 2nd set of leaves but hasnt really been growing that quick at all.. i've sprouted another seed and put into a pot on the balcony as well.. maybe i'll try rockwool cos the peat pellets were shyte.


ok the one that sprouted and I put straight into the pot on the balcony has a nice thick stem and seems healthy the survivor one is getting a few more leaves but skinny stem still its sort of flopped over i think its like retarded from its initial peat pellet hell..



well here they are the one on the left is the 9 day old one the other is the stunted 2-3 week old one.. why do they grow so pathetically slowly ...im seriously thinking of tossing soil and just going back to hydro it was far faster.. maybe a little DWC.. or nft


ok so no one cares about my mutants but they seem to be doing ok on the balcony..

i need to know what to give them for veg? blood meal or what? soil grows is certainly about twice as slow as hydro..

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Just an opinion but those plants look stressed. Why not leave them under the lights? Is there even enough sunlight right now to veg? I would worry about heat/cold shock, bugs, stuff like that.

Thin stretchy stalks is usually from lack of lighting. Seeds are used to sprouting in Spring with bright sunlight.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
And if you're not going with a strict nute regiment, at least look into single part nute formulas. Easiest and most likely to get you some decent bud.


well i live downunder so its summer here, yes there is alot of light on my balcony but yeh it also gets quite hot.. reason for the stretchy stems on the 1st one was i left it sprouting inside for too long.. you cant see so good in the pics but some of the leaves are starting to yellow.. heat stress?

I've just got a plain potting mix with perlite and vermiculite the mix has some nutes with it but i wouldnt mind going with a nute regimen but i just dont know what...i've heard fish or blood..

Havent wanted to put under the light because the sun i think prob puts out more lumens than my 400w..


fed em guano and dutchmaster.. however.. one is certainly a male so is being put to death today.. the other i am taking clones of and praying that it is female.