A/G first grow..Lowlife Auto AK47


Starhawk: I got temps down to 84F but now they have risen to around 88F with it open. I did rearrange things since yesterday. I got a new lamp and have replaced the one buld. Instead of the 55w (2700k) I now have a 23w (6500k). Also I took off the reflector around my other lamp. So this is what it looks like now...



EZdank, what's the ambient temperature in the main room where you've got your setup? I've had to set my thermostat a little lower (70 F) from where it was (74 F) to keep the air circulating through that room cool enough that it pulls some of the heat out of the closet. I still think you'll be okay with the slightly higher temps as long as it generally stays below 90 F and your humidity stays pretty low (20-40%). My setup stays around 88 F during the day, and since I've added the 4 CFLs, the humidity is staying in the 20-25% range. Nighttime temps still fall to around 72 F, with humidity rising into the 40% range. From what I understand, plants in aero/hydro setups can withstand slightly higher sustained temps as long as humidity stays low (prevents molds and disease), since they have a fairly constant supply of root moisture. That high temp/low humidity combination should also be more conducive to trichome production, since the plant generates trichomes to protect itself from (among other things) the drying effects of high heat and low humidity.


I no I have been updating this daily but I think I found the right combination. Since the newest set-up the temps haven't got past 84F and the temp right now is at 79F.

There really been little to no new growth...but I have to come clean on something lol.

On the 27th I was a little sauced up and I tried to push the stem down further into the sponge since I hear it will have a stronger stem. Also when I did that the remainder of the seed (I don't no what you call it)that was on the leaf fell off. I feel like I shocked the plant. I'm going to wait till Sunday or Monday if there is no new growth I'm going to start over.

I have been monitoring ph levels and I got them between 5.6-5.8


Eeesh... I don't know about starting over, man. I intentionally did the same thing to both of my plants, as far as knocking the spent shells off the cotyledons (the little round green pre-leaves), and both of mine are doing fine, although I did it very gently using a tiny eyeglass repair screwdriver, so my grimy old hands didn't come into contact with the plants themselves. I would guess pushing the stem down further into the sponge (especially while sauced!) would be the most likely culprit for stressing the plant. Post an updated photo of it so we can assess the damage--not that I'm an expert on this stuff, but others here might have a better-informed opinion and advice.


Damn dude, that sucks! Definitely looks like it's time to start over. Not sure I'd want to invest any more time in those seedlings, especially after that kind of stress. Even if they survive, my guess is your overall growth is going to be stunted and there's a pretty high likelihood they go hermie on you once (if) they make it that far. I'd rather chalk it up as a lesson, and start fresh. I know it sucks, but chances are whatever additional time you invest in these poor babies is going to be time wasted, and after a couple weeks with new seedlings you'll probably far surpass whatever you might have achieved with these sickly looking ones.


No nutes. I definitely learned my lesson. I might ride it out for a few more days to see if there is any growth if not I'm going to start over.


Active Member
Hang in there!!! I stunted one of my girls pretty badly by doing the same thing...Taproot was growing towards the light so I fucked with it!! She was in pretty bad shape for a while but she has come around!! Don't throw her under the bus just yet!! :-P


^Thanks...hopefully she will survive like yours did!

Here's an update:

Pics. were taken today Nov. 2, 2010(If you look on the previous pages you can see some growth)

Now here is my question I was suppose to start my nute schedule this Thursday. Should I hold off another week or should I just go for it?

I'm using Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom.

I was planning on using this schedule. Let me know what you guys/gals think?

• Start of 1st Week (Germination) (Day 1) – 0 nutrients
• Start of 2nd Week (Day 7) – 0 nutrients
• Start of 3rd Week (Day 14) – 1.7ml each of Grow, Micro, and Bloom
• Start of 4th Week (Day 21) – 2.3ml each of Grow, Micro, and Bloom
• Start of 5th Week (Day 28 ) – 2.5ml each of Grow, Micro, and Bloom
• Start of 6th Week (Day 35)– 2.9ml each of Grow, Micro, and Bloom
• Start of 7th Week (Day 42)– 2.4 ml each of Grow, Micro, and Bloom
• Start of 8th Week (Day 49)– 2.1 ml each of Grow, Micro, and Bloom
• Start of 9th Week (Day 56 )– No nutrients (I might add 1.6ml Grow, 1.6ml Micro, and 2.2ml Bloom)
• Start of 11th Week (Day 70) – No nutrients
• End of 11th Week (Day 77) –No nutrients
• End of 12th Week (Day 84) – Harvest


Active Member
Well I hope your girl likes that schedule!!! lol J/K How ever the manufacturer suggest you mix your nutes, I start off with 1/4 strength and work my way up from there. Autos can be very fussy about how they are fed so less is more! Just watch your ph and make sure it stays 5.5-5.8. Here is a way to see if you need to up your ppm's/ec:

Start with 1.00 EC (or a SAFE nutrient strength). Next day, if it reads 1.4, it means your plants have been using water and your nutrient solution is becoming more concentrated. This means the concentration of nutrients is too high, so you dilute.

If the meter reads lower than the previous day, 0.7 say, it tells you that the plants are eating nutrients faster than they are drinking water, so you should increase your nutrient strength. If it remains the same, your feeding schedule is on target for now. The nutrient/water intake fluctuates with the growth of the plant, so you must continually monitor it day to day.

Your plants will tell you the optimum nutrient levels. When they are receiving optimum food and water, the readings remain constant. The more you do it, the easier it gets. The reason no one can tell you what PPM/EC levels to use is because every garden is different and every plant has different requirements due to their particular environment. That's why you have a ball park starting figure, but after that your plants will tell you almost exactly what they require. This is assuming your ph is correct.

IMG_0006.JPG Here is a pic of my "girls" with my seed order from Attitudes!


How's your girl doing now, EZdank? Glad to see you had some new growth resuming after the stress. I hope she's recovering well for you!


Active Member
EC stands for electrical conductivity...nutrients conduct electricity...some measure EC others do PPM's and I am sure some do both...


Sorry I haven't been keeping this updated....

There is has been a lot of new growth.

I was suppose to start the nute. schedule last week (week 3) that I posted above (post 32) but since she was a little behind I flushed and only gave her 1.2ml of micro, grow, bloom. Yesterday I flushed and gave 1.7ml of micro, grow, bloom. I'm am a week behind and if all goes well I should harvest one week later.

K21701: I don't have a PPM meter just yet. Money is a little short right now. But going off the Advanced Nutrients calculator they have on there website I should be good.


Active Member
Are you starting her out on 1/4 strength? You can get a Hanna PPM Meter on Ebay for about $15. She is looking good!! +Rep