A good and healthy soil mix for outdoors

hey im growing 9 clones outdoors this year. i found a good place way up in the bush about a 15 min hike from my house. since its right in the forest in a bit of a clearing the soil was not that good, the top soil might have been ok because there were way too many huge boulders and i ended up it all up about a foot 1/2 deep or more. the soil wasn't very fertile and was probably much to acidic anyways.

it didn't drain properly and left puddles so i added some peat moss/vermilcute, and compost/composted manure and mixed it in and now drains fine, but i still have almost a foot and couple inches to add.

i got a bunch of pales of good darklooking topsoil i found aroung the forest. i took out any debri and it looks like it would be suitable for vegetables even. today i bought 2 1/2 bags of scott's organic compost and manure and a big bag of vermilcute/peatmoss.

so basically like, 3 parts topsoil, 2 parts compost, 1 part vermilcute?

is that a good soil mix for growing good bud? any fertilizers?

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
Wood ashes work well in acid soil. Good hardwood ashes are also high in calcium and potassium as well!

I always add them to my veggie garden.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
I think what you add to the soil depends on what you will be feeding it. Do you want to only add water the whole season, or is your plan to add liquid fertilizers?

If the first option, then you will have to add organic amendments (blood meal, bone meal, kelp, guano, azomite, castings, etc.) AND let the soil cook for a few weeks. This takes some time, but if done properly will supply the plant with all the needed nutrients through harvest. Its a good way of getting the nutrients out of the way through.


Well-Known Member
so basically like, 3 parts topsoil, 2 parts compost, 1 part vermilcute?

is that a good soil mix for growing good bud? any fertilizers?

make sure that any soil you buy does not have "sewage sludge" since it might contain heavy metals & toxins.

buy an organic soil with beneficial microbes. work it into the soil.

add worms.

you can also add mycorrhizal fungi spores that are used for vegetables
