A good strain for flavor additives?


New Member
Hello everyone. I'm a new member, long time lurker. I just enjoy sucking up the knowledge, and there's plenty here. Love the site. I'm not an active grower of cannabis, though I have a few grows under my belt from years ago. Small indoor stuff. Nothing professional about it. And I really have no plans of growing for myself again, but if it ever gets legalized for recreational use in R.I., I certainly will go back to growing a couple plants every few months since it's so cheap to set up a decent indoor grow these days. So just for future reference for myself in case I ever did start growing again, I'm wondering if all you knowledgeable growers here could point me to a cannabis strain or two that I could have a small perpetual grow going of one strain that would be good for adding flavorings to, just to not get sick of smoking the same tasting product all the time? A strain that grows well being kept small, and more importantly, has a slightly sweet, but neutral flavor profile. Something that I could add different flavors to different plants, like bubble gum in one, strawberry in another, hell.....even root beer lol....and it not clash as it would with a strain that had a heavy pine aroma of it's own or something like that. Any help on finding a strain like that would be great, I also welcome any discussion on the topic of flavor additives. And I'm sorry if this all come out as one paragraph. I made my first post last night and line break just didn't register. I'm stuck on a dated browser, I think that's the problem. But how I typed it does have paragraphs, so again.....sorry if it comes out as a wall of text.


Active Member
I believe You are better off picking 2-3 different fast blooming strains that have the type of flavcors you like and alternate grows, or grow a couple plants at a time-- the addatives (IMO) are a waste and are not "natural"...

HOWEVER: If you are someone who really likes using them..
match them up.

Use the Cannabis Database (link below) to find strains that match or go well with the flavors of "Sweet" available-- then use that kind of "Sweet" at 1 tsp per gallon from veg to harvest.. even in flush.

Match orange/lemon/pineapple/mango/pine flavored buds with the citrus Sweet
Match Purple strains/grape strains/bubblegum with the grape Sweet
Match the Berry strains and other "Sweet/floral" strains with the berry Sweet
Orange/ Berry can be used in strains with Chocolate/coffee flavors- your preference... Molasses works well with these strains too!

The incence-types do NOT go well with fruit flavored Sweet- however- Sweet Raw can 'enhance" it slightly.

Good Luck! Have fun! ;)


Well-Known Member
Don't add flavorings to the growint plant or dried buds. Get some flavored rolling papers or wraps if you must.

I can't imagine adding an artificial bubblegum flavor to plants that I raised and harvested to smoke.

Do those additives even work? Is there any actual science behind it?

Molasses most definitely does not make your bud "sweet". The plant doesn't even use it.


New Member
Thanks for the link and suggestions Lady Zandra. @MYOB Yeah I wouldn't mess with those flavorings you add to dried buds or tobacco. Same reason I don't use flavored blunts (though I really don't use blunts anyway). I'm talking about actually feeding the plant specific flavors of sugars instead of say just molasses or a bottled flavor enhancer sold at a premium. Many years ago I had a friend experiment with feeding his plant a can of Dr. Pepper every time he fertilized and I'll be damned if that stuff didn't taste a bit like Dr. Pepper when we smoked it!! lol And obviously I've heard many times that alot of growers adding flavoring in that way with flavor concentrates for cooking. I figure controlling the flavoring a bit more with concentrates will yeaild even better results than my old friend just dumping a can of soda in the dirt, willy-nilly, eh? lol So yeah....if I ever got back into growing I was thinking it would be nice to find a good mellow, sweet tasting strain that had very little flavor profile of it's own that would work with various different sweet flavorings. But perhaps Lady Zandra is right. Maybe a better idea to just grow strains with natural flavor profiles I'm looking for. That's just ALOT of work and hastle with small scale/stealth perpetual growing.....which is what I'd be doing if I started growing again. 2 clones, 2 in flower is really all I could do.