A Height Question


Well-Known Member
I'm growing with 4 daylight cfls, wish I had mh but hey watcha gonna do. I have the lights 5 inches above the plant to maximize the light and help her get the energy she needs. Growth upward seems to be slower than I'd like, would pulling the lights up a bit encourage her to lengthen out, or should I just keep pulling the lights up as shes grows. Thanks alot all.:spew::hump:


Well-Known Member
it depends on what you wanna grow man, a tall one doesn't really have less leaves than a topped or trained plant the leaves are just closer together. Personally I don't have a lot of height to work with but plenty of space width wise so Ive started LST today its a really good way to get a nice short bushy plants with a lot of nice buds!


Well-Known Member
so now cfl's are a problem? I would buy better lights but I don't have that much money to throw around and considering I'm a novice I thought cfl's were a good way to grow indoor for cheaper...after all its starting to get into the triple digits in the day time outside...cant really grow with that. Trust me I know mh and hps provides a much better quality of light. I don't know if your trying to provide some information of just being a douche bag, seems like the latter.
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Active Member
cfl's are great ways to grow make sure you have daylight ones for vegetation and more than 3000 luminens

My leaves seem to be really nice, the stem though seems to be kind of weak, when do you see growth with this, I may raise lights a bit but like them about 2 inches away from the plant


Well-Known Member
I was told having a fan blowing on the top of your plant for a few days then switching to blowing the whole plant (very lightly) for a few days then upping the speed of the fan and repeating, worked. And trust me it DID, after a week my stem got thicker hairer and got those nice ridges. Try it out it works very well.


Well-Known Member
Wow looks like my cfl's arent too bad after all...a little over three hours after the LST began and the plants top is already level again. Truly an amazing plant.


Well-Known Member
To quote myself "Three hours after LST began" now almost 18 hours later the leaves on the lower side of plant have shifted themselves to the sides to absord more light and the inner leaves on the 3rd and 4th node have doubled in size. I can't wait to see what she looks like tomorrow!!


Well-Known Member
7 nodes, month and a half. I kept seeing "the earlier the better" on other threads about LST so I started while she'll was still a bit GREEN but surely wait till she has some substance (like 4 or 5 sets of leaves).


Well-Known Member
Yeah well I guess Ill have to man up and work with what I can get. and thats a bit inaccurate, I've seen some beautifully full and dense buds with cfls on em. Two traits MOST HID humpers will say you cant get with CFLs. oh no sir I DISAGREE!!