A journey in time


Well-Known Member
SAM_2498.jpgSAM_2506.jpgSAM_2570.jpgSAM_2603.jpgSAM_2608.jpgSAM_2611.jpgSAM_2623.jpgSAM_2642.jpgSAM_2653.jpgSAM_2664.jpgSAM_2711.jpgSAM_2795.jpg A few pics of one of my Critical Kush. The last one was taken a few days ago. This one is currently at 43 days flowering. I'm bored lol, hope this amuses/interests someone!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey there, well you definitely managed to interest me!!! She looks awesome bud I must say.. I also have a few in flower atm, in scrog. How many times did you top this critical???


Well-Known Member
hmm, went a bit mental with the topping and cropping. She has 28 tops so I would have topped 4 times perhaps? My next lot are being mainlined to 8 only! thanks for the comment!


Well-Known Member
No mate, the current ones aren't mainlined, just super cropped a lot and topped. The next gen are being mainlined according to this thread. Its a great thread.