I'm filling up trash cans almost every day now. I wait till about 10 days into 12/12 (so about when you start counting) to pull anything. Then between about day 10 and 3 weeks in I will be pulling at will whenever I see something that is tiny. I wait a bit so I can see the budsites developing. I check the size of the budsites near the top and down a little ways. Those are the size of bud I use as a comparison. THen I go looking near the bottom and any budsite that isn't a certain size I pull it off.
I also clear out the trunk real well. Not sure if it's a clone thing... but I seem to get a whole mess of little buds and little leaves all up on the main trunk. I pull every last bit of that... make the 'interior' of the plant nice and open. Let's the airflow get around.
I try to leave as many fan leaves as I can. More transpiration available (i think that's the word, I like them to be able to breath a lot and get as much light as possible). I really don't like popcorn.
I have to say though... I do all this stuff because of my space. It's small and i cram the plants in there. Then tie them back to the screen making things even more compact. If I was growing like you I would pull WAY less than I do now. BUt I would pull more than you.
You could do an experiment and lollipop a couple branches and see if the buds up top are any bigger than ones on the branches next to them. Whatever, you seem to be growing happy plants and nice buds, so don't mess things up too much listening to me lol.