A Kush Lovers Thread

lemon afghani kush outdoor
the sun is sooo opressively hot in the high desert of socal.. way worse then even down the hill in orange county... but the oc hunidity on a hot day sux..... ill take hot dry desert air anyday over that.. just the sun is horrible!!! thats why id take breaks under this here juniper tree every so often while workin on my desert oasis garden..
I havent been to SoCal, but up north it seems pretty hot, but cant compare directly.

put it to you like this,... as soon has 6 o clock comes around ur up.. that sun makes sure of it unless u have all ur windows boarded... then at 5k foot elevation its like i swear i can throw my shoe at the sun and hit it.. and theres no skyscrapers there to block it... just wide fucking open dry land... i swear even da sandy ass dirt makes it worse it like reflects it kinda like how snow does to l=sunlight
put it to you like this,... as soon has 6 o clock comes around ur up.. that sun makes sure of it unless u have all ur windows boarded... then at 5k foot elevation its like i swear i can throw my shoe at the sun and hit it.. and theres no skyscrapers there to block it... just wide fucking open dry land... i swear even da sandy ass dirt makes it worse it like reflects it kinda like how snow does to l=sunlight

I cant imagine that elevation coupled with sand!
I know dirt, concrete, tar etc make it hotter for sure.