A Kush Lovers Thread


Well-Known Member
i feel this og kush is going pretty slow for halfway through flower (4.5 weeks since pistols appeared)
anyone else think the same? or am i just trippin balls here?
pics taken last night ...
It doesn't look too crazy to me. A little slow yeah, but I don't think anything is wrong with her. She is just gonna take her sweet time. Might be a 10 weeker.

Looks real nice either way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate. i am seeing the progress and she is smelling more and more, just real slowwww!
only myself to blame i threw too much bloodmeal into my soil and i think is the culprut in the slow budding. live and learn!


Well-Known Member
how you be
whats a dime weigh out there?
sum places give ya a 1.0 wher i go is 1.5 - Ha we used to pay $10.00 a Line for straight Kain in da cook it up days

whut day sittin on now is a like diesel top smell an skunk smell under it - can smell acrose the room in a baggie any where in the room

coming home wit it you be hopen you dont get stoped cause if you do your finished
i take a smelly proofe wit me when i go to pickup

Yo Ras - whut size bag or screen did you use



Well-Known Member
not all genetics will yellow leaves sum will start dropping them at 2/3 of flower sum will yellow
sum do nutin no change at all
sum will purple an turn other colors

it is my thery that the large fans at topic is not needed after stretch is over
and is why sum plants discard them an kill them off at a time befor plant is finish

they are only needed for growth and only benifit the part of plant they are connected to

i have defoilated at diff times during flower to get to this observation



Active Member
It seems to me the larger leaves are also an emergency food cache for the plant. If allowed to maintain storage they will ie nutes. I feel the plant has a better perspective on repair vs replace than we do when time,leaves are sucked dry and fall it happens quickly. My defol experiences left mains very flexible weighty flowers flopped out of control and hard to maintain. I don't know if age/size of branch relative to rootmass,lack of leaf weight training or loss of generators are to blame, coulda been me. The awesome thing is you can give 10 clones to 10 people and get 10 different plants all of which will do the job.


Well-Known Member
seems to me large leaves only aid in growth an stretch

and only help part of plant they are connected to

i would never touch any leaves that suger over they affect the buds development

but if you notice i said seems to me i have tried alot of things removing them at all diff times an not removing them

but to each his or her own is whut i say

no argument here

but Mr herb you are at this since dec of '12'
i thiink you are gona find in time that sum genetics produce puny branches that need support
others strong stable tree trunks for branches

either way after stretch is over (first 1/3 of flower) not needed by plant
but i normally dont remove till after 2nd third of flower or 2/3 finish flower
matter of fact lots of genetics are discarding them at that time check it out
sum dicardding sum getting dried and shriveled and turning yellows and purples
sum still bright green no sign of nutin all in genetics

I an I


Well-Known Member
great points guys. I just let my leaves fall as they may. some of the strains ive run over n over will drop fans no matter how much i feed. some plants finish strong green everytime. for me personally i dont touch living eaves, just yellowed.


Active Member
Sorry dweez got my first 400 in 94-95. Ran a bubbly reservoir system it was called. I did say let the plant judge for its self. I've run the same two strains for over three years one for six I've kinda gotten to know them. I'm doing an undefol removing tops and leaving the leaves instead of fully removing them for kicks.


Finally, the "Dogshit" is pressed to two tabs bongsmilie

The brighter, smaller one is from the 25 mikron bag (about 3 grams) and the bigger is from the 70 mikron bag (about 12 grams)


Aaaaaand some budporn after a few weeks of storage :eyesmoke:


(stash gets smaller every day :-()

I will make an F2 with the #3 and #5 pheno, kept a pretty good male for that :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
thx for the pics guys. Zack66 that PK looks like a beast. is she from clone?

And Mundstuhl you always bring the fire. How does it taste ?


Well-Known Member
sup all, wont be long now till im starting plants. and to those of you i promised seeds i have not forgotten. in washington right now on vacation will be back soon though hope all is going well with everyone in here, peace and blaze up!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just dropped 24 beans in some water. I have never tried to germ beans like this before so i hope it goes well. I'm going to wait for them to crack in the water and then put each strains(there are 3 strains) beans in cups together (8 to a cup, 3 cups) until they sprout and stretch and then re-pot them in separate cups after a few days. I'm not seeing i could have much of a problem except damping off around the stem from the stem being too moist.


Well-Known Member
Just dropped 24 beans in some water. I have never tried to germ beans like this before so i hope it goes well. I'm going to wait for them to crack in the water and then put each strains(there are 3 strains) beans in cups together (8 to a cup, 3 cups) until they sprout and stretch and then re-pot them in separate cups after a few days. I'm not seeing i could have much of a problem except damping off around the stem from the stem being too moist.
Did that last 2 times and they all popped within 3 days


Well-Known Member
i leave them in the cup around 24 hours, then straight to the solo cup in whatever medium i am using at the time.

usually they show a tap when in the cup of water before the 24 hr period though.