A Kush Lovers Thread


Well-Known Member
GOOD LUCK, riu has been a pain for pics.

well actually I was having issues uploading them to photobucket.

I think it's because we had to have our internet lowered because of financial struggles so my upload is much lower than it used to be.

maybe instead of sets of pics like I used to do, I'll start taking pics of buds and plants individually and just making single posts about them, might be a lot easier on me that way.

and tryna, I want to see some up to date sour kush bud pics man, I nkow for sure by now tehre's got to be some serios crystal action going on, I'm on my 3rd year growing this strain i should know ;)


Well-Known Member
I'll get som snaps up a little later, definitely doing their thing in the frost dept. and even look to be yielding a bit more than i expected at week 4.


Well-Known Member
DOG, I am also flowering my mom to this cut. She stinks to the high heavens but doesn't compare in yield to the other, the smells are even.

Sour Kush's, getting noticeably better from the N deficiency. Looking good.

Lush F4, looking good as always, i've been impressed with the result from the generation. She also seems to be the only one that hasn't responded well to the N deficiency treatment. On the plus side she's looking like a 8-9 weeker way closer to a 9 weeker. She is approaching 7 now.



Well-Known Member
purple stems on that sour kush..... that might be a diesel pheno.

you should post just those sk pics on the sk thread too man. don't let that thread die ;)

I always try to grow the green stem phenos of sour kush because they tend to be the super dank. the diesel pheno is dank as fuck too and who knows, maybe bringing it to F5 may have made a difference in the diesel pheno itself. I'll let you know this harvest.


Well-Known Member
Hi T , pics are looking great man , ive just been gifted some Double Sour Kush as some freebies with my last order .... cant wait to try those :)

Double sour Kush make up =

Its CVS Sour Kush cut, hit with a nice OG18 Kush male, with alot of upside.. The male is straight up Kush, with a SOur, Chemmy Coffee smell.... Great pod clustering, and quick to flower, produces alot of pollen quickly. A Stud Male.

really cant wait to pop these , its a pain in the ass having a plan ... i knew exactly what i was gonna run for the next few grows , now i keep getting more n more dank and keep changing my mind lmao !


Well-Known Member
i know there is an abundance of them now. Robbie those should be some funky rock hard very indica looking girls outta those beans. i don't know what the cvs sour kush is but the og18 is all they sat it is.


Well-Known Member
Looking good up in here! Soonly, I'll be able to post a lady up in this thread soonly!(I'm saying my DOG is a girlie.. Ya know, willing it to be so)
Just planted some pre 98 bubba beans, venom og and sour kush is soaking. I'm going to add 1 or 2 FEMs for safe measure. Banana og and something else?