A Little Bit Of A Standard Within This Site Please

ive made a dozen or so posts on this site and have already been involved in a flame war and defended another person on a dif thread whom was being flamed upon. its rediculous. i was looking for a new home away from grasscity and all i can see in here are a bunch of young and underage punks. im sure there are many people in here that are not and probably feel the same way i do. coming from a site that respects other people to one where there is no respect towards one another is difficult at best. i was a gold member on grasscity and happy to throw them my cash. i dont see how i can support this site and the actions that take place unless the owners and mods man up and let peeps know that the bullshit will not be tolerated.

to stay on topic here is my request. more mods or at least hold the current mods accountable and have them let people know that you will at least half way enforce your own rules.

i was told in my intro that i had found the right place. im trying to give it a chance but this place so far... is a joke to professional growers and tokers.




Well-Known Member
your upset after 13 posts. 2 of which are pointless ^ havnt read the others. the more posts you have, the quicker you will be responded too. No PIX it Never Happened.
did i complain about response time? did i say i was upset? ur the prime example of what im talkin about. 2800 posts and ur a complete dick. and ur siggy is there to belittle some guy that was just as much of a noob as u were on ur link in your own sig. six months ago u were asking if u needed to ph ur own water. how to hang your hoods. is my soil correct. and now you run around here like ur some sort of "grow it all" pro.

some people need to realize we all put our pants on the same way.


Well-Known Member
many harvests in 6 months doing perpetual my man. & if anything "GOOGLE" will save you instead of expecting people to answer your issues right away on here. Post a thread on your grow and begin to complain once you hit 100+ posts :D no harm done.. its just. Why so sensitive? unless your under 18, but then you shouldnt be here. =/
are you honestly asking that question when your username is subcool fan?? it can't be that hard to figure out wtf rawbudski was talking about, can it??
more or less making a point. and like most trolls... they avoid the question and skirt around to something else.
many harvests in 6 months doing perpetual my man. & if anything "GOOGLE" will save you instead of expecting people to answer your issues right away on here. Post a thread on your grow and begin to complain once you hit 100+ posts :D no harm done.. its just. Why so sensitive? unless your under 18, but then you shouldnt be here. =/
are you following anything right now? do you need to wait a half hour or so for your buzz to die down so u can keep up. the only issue i have posted on here is this one. and you responded within 2 minutes. several others responded within ten. i dont need google. i use these sites to keep up with the times. to find out how peeps are doing with items such as led lighting. to see how the grows are progressing with such items. to see how the technology is advancing within such items. if i were to use google. it would link me back to this site or one of many others. hence the reason i am here.

wont be hard to get my 100 posts in if ull keep replying :)

nice buds by the way. im not much on posting pics, especially ones that have evidence in them. security issues that my paranoid ass may overcome one day. i will post one though, dunno why i feel the need to even post the one. just because someone only has a dozen posts under their belt on here doesnt mean they dont know what they are doing.



Active Member
Im not trying to be rude so please don't take it that way. Generalizing the full community will never bring you positive attention. Defending someone else in a flame war, regardless of which side may be right, is a good way to get people to flame you instantly. Anyways final point being : it doesn't matter where you go, how intelligent you are, or how big your post count is... there will always be hostility there waiting. Best thing to do is medicate a bit more, laugh it off, and continue living your life. After all, who cares what some angry guy said to you over the internet? Just relax and enjoy not being an angry person like they are ;)


Active Member
Ignore the bad and if a negative post was done in your thread just message a mod to remove the ignorant post. Also the longer you've been on this site the more respect people give you. A guy posted ignorant things in my thread and I was nice and told him to stop it and to delete his post and he keeped going so I messaged the board mod to remove his posts because I don't like his rudeness in my thread. The mod remove it and its over and done with.