A Little bit of High "WoW"


Active Member
lol, I don't play anymore but yeah, it's awesome to play blazed. This thread makes me want to start again tho... maybe because i'm fuckin rippedbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
my comps been down for about 2 months now. im goin a little crazy from not being able to play. cant wait to fix it. i think its the power source. any ways..

amann , nightelf druid

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I have a 70 UD rogue that I loved to death, but the game is just dead to me. It reminds me of Everquest after Planes of Power. Once the initial game gets old and the first xpacs come...the game becomes too top heavy and less enjoyable. It becomes all about pvp and raids and the experience and awe and wonder of the game when you first started is long gone.

My favorite zone ever has to be BRD. As a rogue getting to run around stealth like and solo the entire zone is hella fun. I always loved sneaking ahead and opening the doors to the kings chamber before my group could even completely zone in. I probably did that run 30+ times for HoJ's. So much fun, but when I first started smoking marijuana, there was just no way. I remember my roomate and I toking up before helping some friends in my favorite zone...and I also remember them dieing a lot because I would daze out and miss details and etc. I smoke so much now though I am sure it wouldn't be a problem. I was a lightweight then..I miss that lol.

I am enjoying Warhammer online thusfar, but yet again it isn't warcraft. I don't think anything will ever be warcraft. I expect to get maybe 6 months out of WO before I get bored.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I miss my lvl63 Night Elve Hunter. I Miss sicking my kitty on people in BG's, finding a bush and just picking away with my bow. I had a spot where the horde had a escort mission, I'd wait near the end of the quest and kill the chicken that they are escorting! It would really piss 'em off! LoL Playing a game for 12-18 hrs a day started to get in the way of life! So, I had to quit. =(


New Member
Last summer I was addicted to Diablo II ... I wanted to play again recently but I lost the install disc . :( I'm just gonna buy the third one whenever it comes out.


Well-Known Member
hate playing WoW high. Warhammer Online is retardedly fun blazed, especially the RvR. My guildies hate it cuz i can't heal for shit when I'm stoned. I usually will run off cliffs and spam heals on the wrong people(npcs). Vanguard:Saga of heroes is fucking insane to play ripped. The game world is so massive..seriously youve never had a journey till you play that game while ur high. I bet that game would be amazing on shrooms..(think myst)


Well-Known Member

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Haha I knew a guy who got like 3 accounts banned using that, lots tons of shit in their banks. He was semi smart about it too, he always supervised his playing and didn't leave them to run alone all day, but they must have checked his system somehow.


Well-Known Member
Haha I knew a guy who got like 3 accounts banned using that, lots tons of shit in their banks. He was semi smart about it too, he always supervised his playing and didn't leave them to run alone all day, but they must have checked his system somehow.
You win some you lose some, I have done more 1-70s than I can imagine (100+), I have lost about 8 accounts in 2 years.


I quit 3 months ago.

enUS Boulderfist, Horde.

70 Tauren Druid
70 Tauren Hunter.

I like cows, fuck you.