A little help please (pics)


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks! Wondering if anyone knows what my girls problem is... Transplanted 48hrs ago into Perlite, worm castings & soil mix, as I have so many times, but one young lady is having issues (the other 5 look great!), Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, EkimRI

1st 2 pics are of girl w/ issues, last is for comparison. Rather purplish and leaves beginning to curl upwards... Help!



Active Member
Looks A Bit Like Phosphorus Deficiency...Whats The PH Of The Water? And Have You Been Feeding Them Any Nutrients Other Than The Worm Castings?


Well-Known Member
very dilute fish/ seaweed emulsion @ about 10% strength. Strange that it's just the one girl... maybe some type of transplant shock?


Well-Known Member
This being the only girl showing signs of difficulty (DP Orange Bud), I took the rather drastic measure of removing the plant from her pot, thoroughly rinsing her roots in clear water and repotting in the same mix as the other girls. I made certain the roots were not in direct contact with any compost or anything potentially damaging to her roots, just soil and perlite and perhaps a little well blended worm castings. I watered in w/ a little clear water and Superthrive 12+hrs ago and leaf problem has as yet to progress any further up the plant, nor is she exhibiting any signs of wilting... They are currently under 4 54w T5HO on 18/6, (approx. 4" above plants) at a fairly constant 50-55% humidity and 78-80*F.

Any suggestions as to what might be ailing her would be greatly appreciated!!!

And as an aside, a big thanks to you all for that which I've learned just by immersing myself in this sight +REP FOR RIU!!!8-)


Well-Known Member
it sounds as if you took the right messures just let her be for a week or so you will know how shes doing.The burnt leaves will never heal so make sure your looking at the new growth.If its good then she is good


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the help and encouragement, I will watch and nurture her to the best of my ability and someday, just maybe...


Well-Known Member
Phosphorous deficiency / lockout? "DP Orange Bud" (1st pic) is affected, same medium as always, same nutes as always, "Barney's Blue Cheese" (2nd pic) is starting to show similar signs! Water ph is good, drainage is good, Very dilute nutes (fish/seaweed emulsion 2-3-1 at 25%) Any ideas? :-?



Well-Known Member
those pics look like healty clones to me. When a clone is rooting it is normal for the leaves to yellow and wither because it is the only way a plant is getting feed.The new growth looks fine looks like they are rooted and healthy


Active Member
Phosphorus Deficiency
thought i had one
but it was just the plant!!! :mrgreen: and she smells so damn good!
like coffee and weed!


Well-Known Member
Not clones, they're from seed BH4all, change your thinking at all? Sorry if I seem distressed, this transition to indoor comes with a whole new set of variables...


Well-Known Member
im only saying they look fine to me? the leaves on the bottom look burned but on top they seem fine why are you flamming me for that?????????Those burnt leaves will never heal so just look at the new growth.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't flaming you at all BH4All, sorry if it came off that way! I just didn't know if in your opinion it made a difference, or gave you any different thoughts, based on the fact they were from seed and not from clone... that's all. As I said, transition to indoor comes with so many new variables, I'm just tryin' to find my groove. Thanks for the help. 8)


Well-Known Member
Not clones, they're from seed BH4all, change your thinking at all? Sorry if I seem distressed, this transition to indoor comes with a whole new set of variables...
Thats true..outdoor is easier... As for your plants..Plants at that age and size rarely have any deficiencies, except light..most issues at that size are over..something..usually nute/water... As mentioned they do look good... I don't nute till at least the 3-4th week.. and don't over water..I go every 3-4 days.. Imo..


Well-Known Member
Thanks Twisty, I guess the little things are just more noticable in such a controlled environment. I keep thinking with complete control over all the variables, my little ones should be more like the little Stepford Wives of Mary Jane :blsmoke: