A Little Help Please


Active Member
i have a blood test on tuesday which is being tested for drugs (today is sunday).
the last time i smoked was exactly one week ago, last sunday, but ive smoked every day before then until i found out about my test. anything at all i can do? or am i shit out of luck?

With my new job I cant personally say this product works or it dosent but I heard recent good things about the product you see before you....
yeah its a blood test. and you sure those detox drinks work? it seems like a bit of a scam to me. but hey, anythings worth a shot i guess

With my new job I cant personally say this product works or it dosent but I heard recent good things about the product you see before you....

i tried that....bought 2 bottles just in case.....drank one down and instantly puked it up....finally held the second bottle down went in and failed my ua......theres not much u can do for blood tests tho (that i know of)