A little Help would be nice


Active Member
Hello everyone. This is my first post and i need some help. I search and find out everything i can before asking anyone for help but I am noob grower I am a bit lost at the moment on what to do. I know its a diff of some sort I m just confused that there so many that turn the leaves yellow. I have a few plants going and they seemed to be fine until today. All the plants seem to be doing ok except 2. I put some pictures so ya can see.

Using Frogs
ph at 6-6.5
have not gave them any nutes
watering every 2-3 days
temp is around 75-85

any help would be gladly apreciated



Active Member
that kind of looks like a problem i had, when i sprayed the plants i had with neem all when the leaves were small i could not see any damage but when the leaves got older thats when i saw the damage. so if you were foiliar spraying that could have caused the damage. your new growth looks ok and dont worry too much about the first sets of leaves as they normally die off. i dont use that soil so i cant advise whether to start using nutes or not.
someone who has used that soil will let you know whether to start them on a half dose of nutes or not.
good luck with the rest of your grow.


Active Member

When should i start to give them nutrients? I know frogs has some all ready in the soil. I read somewhere after 30 days i should start.