A Little Something My Buddy Made


Well-Known Member
He's jobless at the moment and looking to pay off his debt from buying Christmas presents.

Not to mention its just freakin' awesome anyway!


:hump: The coolest t-shirt you can wear to your next marijuana related event (or just the store to get some munchies lol)

Sorry for advertising. Its not advertising so much as me just wanting to share the shirts with you. They've been a hit over at the Shroomery and TokeCity so I figured you guys would like it too :)


Well-Known Member
I see he visits Drudge, too.

That photo was plastered above the title for most of the day yesterday.

He needs to crop out the background, just a profile of Obama, he can also play with some levels, and effects.


Elite Rolling Society
I just saw on the news where the police found the dead body or an apparant LIBERAL white male in the Chicago River.
They said he was pulled out of the river dead, and naked except for a VOTE FOR OBAMA T-Shirt, and he had on red fish net stockings, a strap on dildo, red lip stick, and an unusually large cucumber stuck up his rectum.

They said to keep from causing his famiily a lot of shame and embarrassment, the police removed his