yeah well this place wasn't like it used to be, there are hoards of newbies who think they know wtf they're talking about, and any thread they see that gives them an outlet to express their ego they will go crazy on us unless we have the ability to say fuck off I don't give a fuck about waht you have to say.
it's simple. if we are forced to play their game of logic without being able to tell them to fuck off they will just keep playing the game.
it's like the bullying situation, you may not agree with it, but a bully doesn't bully the kid who is ready to sock him in the face every time he goes to say something.
same thing applies here, if trolls didn't feel like this was such a safe haven to talk shit to existing members they wouldn't even try. if they felt like they could get jumped on without getting ANYONE banned for jumping on them, they have NO incentive to act like that in the first place.
but by putting in rules that allow mods to ban people for insults, trolls can play around with this and piss off existing members until they blow u p and get themselves banned, thus giving the troll reason to live here.
so hey if you want trolls to have a breeding ground here, keep supporting the no insults rule..
if not man the fuck up and realize life is hard insults are a part of it.