A Lot of Cool People are Banned!

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I occasionally post helpful information on this site. Usually I don't because there are a swarm of people far more helpful and eloquent then I. I do post alot of useless information and anecdotes because I'm stoned 24/7 when I'm not working from can't see at morning til can't see at night and this is a ganja forum. The one thing I don't do is burn bridges with bitches on the internet because I'm a grown ass man. I've been here alittle over a year and have been given 0 infractions. FDD yelled at me 1 time and in complete honesty my wording was confusing at best. I apologized to whom I offended and they accepted it. Then seeing I was a decent human being FDD apologized to me and I accepted it. I'm not riding FDD's dick, he certainly does choose what he enforces but it takes 2 to tango. My life is great because I make everyone's lives around me great which in turn keeps my life great. Try it. You're only doing as good as your neighbor. I'm not saying those banned deserved it or didn't deserve it but like I said it takes 2 to tango. I'm high, nothing but love and light your brother Neosapien out.
You have all hurt my feelings.

Infraction(s) given. That's how it works, right? I say someone hurt my feelings and they get an infraction? :cuss:
I also did talk with a few members that have been banned, but it's hard to blame Fdd or any other mod for a members own actions. They are warned and given a chance to apologize but some people just can't do it, and would rather go out fighting (kinda lame and childish) but again this would be their own choice.
Medimary and crypt got banned, pony was leaving and i think he got banned at the same time lol , boo to this
i logged back in just long enough to unban all the trolls and haters. if this is the type of forum everyone wants then have at it. i'm outta here until things clean up.

have a GREAT summer. :cool:
i logged back in just long enough to unban all the trolls and haters. if this is the type of forum everyone wants then have at it. i'm outta here until things clean up.

have a GREAT summer. :cool:

You are WAAAAAAAAAY too easily influenced by others.

IMHO, people like that should NOT be mods.
i like fdd-

he is a great grower. if so many let the drama drop and grew weed, we'd be good.

happy growing!
i like fdd-

he is a great grower. if so many let the drama drop and grew weed, we'd be good.

happy growing!

Just because someone grows, doesn't mean they're capable of properly moderating a forum.
There's what?, 300,000 members here?
A handful of them complain to each other that a couple bad apples got bans, and viola, FDD backs down and unbans EVERYONE. wtf!!

And what about all the BS infractions he was throwing around recently?? Are they all being rescinded also?
I simply don't waste my time by arguing about arguing, or trying to prove a point on the internet with people I will more than likely never meet and will never play any part in my life other than a username on my computer screen.

If one is immature enough to get offended from online posts and has to try proving themself obviously doesn't have too much going for them. I once thought the internet was the only thing in the world and everything on it was true and mattered in my life...then I rolled a joint, stepped onto my front porch, lit it up and remembered I don't give a fuck about the internet, take it away and I still have my family, my weed, my life and my freedom (knock on wood) so there isn't much I can complain about.
People Please don't Pm me to bitch about FDD and why he banned YOU, not my drama, jesus smoke a bong and chill the fuck out.
If you have issues with a mod message them or another mod not other members to try and recruit more haters because you let your temper get the better of u, very inmature. ( just be happy i never posted your messages and let it go.)
But you do argue about how you don't argue about arguing.


:finger: no but really, I guess I did kinda call myself out huh? haha
Maybe what needs to be realized is mods are just people too. There actions reflect their feelings.
If a mod were given the authority to give a member an infraction but wouldn't ban someone unless two other mods agreed then maybe that would give people more time to make the right decisions.
Goddamn you april, fix it.

waving magic wand, and...... nothing, fuck, guess they might need to create yet another account, lol
This is why i don't get the drama, members admit to me that they have had multiple accounts banned, and still think it's someone else fault
But.. i... thought.. u were banned? now i'm confused lol ;-)
waving magic wand, and...... nothing, fuck, guess they might need to create yet another account, lol
This is why i don't get the drama, members amdit to me that they have had multiple accounts banned, and still think it's someone else fault
But.. i... thought.. u were banned? now i'm confused lol
It was like a temp ban that woulda expired tomorrow, but fdd ragequit. Someday I will let him know what really happened. I was also living vicariously through burning.
sometimes i find-

that haters were the ones to scared to get in the mosh pit.

it's not to late.

i'm not gonna live my life this way!

:o I would have never guessed

But ya kinda gave yourself away with the one liners, see i knew angry bear would go away and pedo would be back in the morning ;-) How many children did u tramautize for life this morning :fire:

It was like a temp ban that woulda expired tomorrow, but fdd ragequit. Someday I will let him know what really happened. I was also living vicariously through burning.
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