A Mans Gotta Know His Cheese


Active Member
Hey RUI so this is my first time posting a journal so here it goes.

First, this is a legal Cali Co-Op :) Im growing Chiesel, Blue Cheese, and CHEESUS lol heres my setup,

I have a 4x8 tent that is divided into 2 4x4 sections.
1x 4ft 8tube T5 light
1x humidity dome w/heat mat and controller
I also have some fans placed about

1x 600w HPS
1x 400w HPS both air cooled by an 800cfm fan (not sure of actual cfm but i think this is right)
?x CFLs placed for extra light coverage
1x Exhale CO2 bag
?x small fans
1x 2x2 Ebb&Flow system
1x 8000btu air cooling unit (more like a 250 dollar waste of money since its winter XD)

I also have a carbon filter that I will setup outside the tent when needed. I will also be making wine in my tent in the future for more CO2.. Mmmm Wine and Cheese...

Well I think thats everything... Im using the Fox Farm Trio for nutes along with Bud Candy as a supplement. Heres a flick of them just sprouting :)



Active Member
Heres how they looked growing up. Also a flick of my flower room and new baby clones I just took :D Still need a couple more but w/e.

Some stuff I forgot to add about the grow,

In the future I will be taking larger clones but atm I am just too impatient. This is a SOG grow so although I will veg this time around the next time will be 12/12 right after rooting. The future also holds in it a separate tent for my mothers so i can use the whole 4x8 space to flower... Ah it feels like but a dream with 4 sets of plants in ebb&flow harvesting every 2 weeks... sigh...



Well-Known Member
I am runing a small ebb and flow microgarden system for the very first time. Have 7 plants in the tray and I think they are in 5 inch pots. I don't have enough knowledge to know if they will get root bound before the end of my grow or if they stay small while growing a larger plant. I better sub to this so I can expand my learning curve. Good job so far. Much respect!!


Active Member
Thanks man! The pots in my ebb system are 5.5in i think so pretty much the same. Im curious to know how big they will get as well, ive never seen anything in smaller than a 7"(1gallon) actually finished. Ive had talk about using 4" pots though!


Active Member
Got an air stone/pump today. Was having a PH problems with my mothers but i flushed with some calmag and the tinnnnnniest amount of nutes, theyre doing fine now. Clones are starting to root, just waiting for chiesel to catch up. Will be putting into veg later this week with pics :)

Also I know it says not to post on other peoples grow journals but please do. This is my first grow on this scale and this thread is soo lonesome.


Active Member
Wag GOING to put all my clones into my "flower" room to veg... because i took them when they were still small... But instead in my hazy stupor i dropped half of them on the ground and fucked them up. I put the clones that survived into my ebb&flow system but now I have to wait another week before I can fill my room. Im just making stupid mistakes in this grow from not paying attention, first PH now this....

The good part in this i guess is that my mothers are way bigger now and the new clones im going to take are going to be bigger than the ones I just put into veg, so by the time they are ready they should be about the same size. I have to treat some rockwool before i can take them though.

From now on im going to get high AFTER i work in my op as a reward rather then before. Heres flicks...



Active Member
Well pretty much all the plants in that stupid hydro system died. The ones that did survive had very light green leaves and werent very happy looking. Having the res directly under the plants made it very difficult to test and fix the PH. If I ever do decide to try hydro again i will build my own system with a separate res.

Anyways MOST of my plants are now in my "flower" room, except im using MH's and theyre in veg. I have 4 clones still waiting to root but if they dont root by wednesday im gonna have some skywalkers to take their place.



Well-Known Member
sucks about your plants hempknight, that hydro system you have is a very good one. still have the same one after 4 years. try not to pull on or move it from the sides when its full cause it WILL crack. sounds like they where lacking IRON. CAL/MAG is a must for hydro it whoud have saved your babys. as for you PH meter, if its a pen type meter just flood the tray and lean the meter on the side/wall ( make sure it dont fall into the water). what are you useing for a medium? i hope you give it a try again.


Active Member
Yeah the hydro system wasnt really the issue but overall it was just too much of a hassle to be worth it atm. I had cal/mag too didnt realize it was a must for hydro :(. I was using hydroton but I also dont have an electronic PH meter I have a dropper one so i could check my ph twice in a row and get 2 completely different readings. Right now soil is much easier for me but I dont plan on giving up hydro for good just for now :)

My flower room is filled now, no skywalker clones :(, but theyre all doing really great will post pictures later this week!


Active Member
Wow I really havent updated this in a while... New pic :) Prolly gonna flip to 12/12 next week sometime cause theyre pretty packed in there i dont want them getting too big.



Active Member
A little into week 2 of flower so posting an update here. The budsites close to my uvb lights are starting to grow little trichs but you cant really see them from the pics. Other than that alls good I ran out of stakes so i need to pick up a few more, and oh remember that thing I said about there being wine :)



Active Member
I thought I updated this like 2 weeks ago but I guess I was just high. These pics are from week 6 or 7? Not entirely sure, but Ill put some new ones up soon as Im about to harvest some of my plants tmmrw. I had more pics but I deleted them from my computer because like I said I thought I uploaded them already...

Chiesels looking like the first one to get cut gonna be 60 days.



Active Member
I totally baked on taken final pictures of my other plants :( but when I put my Cheesus in jars ill take a picture of those :). Weighed the rest of my plants and the winners are...
5oz Chiesel
5oz Blue Cheese
2oz Sour Diesel
So considering I have more Cheesus than any of my other plants, I think its safe to say I grew about a pound. Successssss


Active Member
Final Update:
5oz of Cheesus equals 17oz of total oz of bud 1.1lbs :D

they look good and get me super faded... Only downside I can say is that the smell is off on all my cheese strains they don't smell right, i figure its cause i burnt the shit out of the leaves but nbd.

Flicks of them drying and curing and group pic :)

