a mediocre shroom garden thread

Btw... @DankTankerous, your girlfriend is correct. I've watch a couple of YouTube vids that used wax paper as a casing as well as supply a lil extra moisture. Once the pins really start popping up, then your suppose to remove to allow the rest of the process to take off. Looks like your about 75% in the clear. Fingers crossed n hope ya get an abundance of shrooms n a abundance of knowledge to share 4 ya next adventure. Keep at it n stay awesome!

Hmm I guess it's not too late, what about misting and fanning? That would defeat the purpose because the wax paper is covering the Mycelium. I'll give it a go next time.
Alright Day 2 in the Mini Monotub. I was lazy yesterday and didn't correctly secure the edges where there is a slight opening about half a millimeter. I duct taped it over only to find the top tub a little removed but still covered by the duct tape. As well I didn't have polyfil so I used micropore tape. I've read micropore tape works as well but it started peeling off from the humidity. I as well couldn't find my clamps for the edges yesterday so I bought some better ones today. As well as some polyfill. Sides are all secure with the duct tape I'm a little disappointed about it but you live and you learn. I don't think it'll cause contamination but still. There are a few myco piss spots. Let's just hope they start popping their heads soon. Next grow I'm going to buy some different 6qts. I found some 6.5qt totally flush and flat tops, making them a bit deeper. Ah well enjoy the pics. Last pic is a Blue Mystic seed from Nirvana that I'll be growing in a pc case

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Hey all!
So, I previously let ya guys/gals in on what I was doing with as far as my Grow. Upon reading n watching a ton of vids, I'm kinda in a dilemma. Not knowing 2 much on the sub, I ordered an all-in-one Grow bag n inoculated in with Penis Envy. Now, every vid that I've seen on YouTube involving PE, it was done with a Grow bag n then into the monotub. My dilemma is that I don't believe I have enough bulk substrate when n if this bag takes off. I've seen or read about layering your monotub with the manure n then the berries n then same process again, but the grow bag in which I used definitely isn't gonna have enough substrate in it to do any layering, especially not a complete layer in a 56-66 qt. tub. I also had brought other rye berry bags that I have inoculated which has now doubled my stupidity, especially without more manure. True, I do have some odd weeks for things 2 be ready for that process, but I'm still kicking myself in the ass! I don't own a pressure cooker yet, therefore I have to start buying pre-sterile cakes n substrate. I have already ordered n received a mega mushroom grow/incubator kit from a repetable shroom equiptment dealer n that's the way I think I will go until I can get a pressure cooker n substrate(vermiculite n rye berries) in bulk n do the sterilization myself. I also have pasteurized straw that I could possible use in stretching the substrate that I have in the grow bag, but not 2 sure if i should do it. I think I'll just find a smaller tub 2 make layers with the one bag n place it inside the bigger tub n have it grow out from there. If anybody has any other suggestions that I could use or do for the PE strain, plz, my ears are open n I'm already listening! Lol. Well all, let's get started with the brf tek jars n see what type of love I can produce. Thank you all for allowing me to share my journey with y'all. Here's a pic of the grow kit... I'm thinking I'm gonna move my smallest grow tent inside n use the tent as my sterile area. I figure it'll be easier to sterilize a small n enclosed area, rather than trying to find a spot in the house that I'll have to super clean n sterilize every time I wanna work. Nobody enters my tents except for myself, so I believe in the long run it'll be easier. I will also post my Grow tent/sterilized work area in a few days, after I get the cannabis plants out n moving them into the bigger tent. Once again, thank you all for listening!


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Hey all!
So, I previously let ya guys/gals in on what I was doing with as far as my Grow. Upon reading n watching a ton of vids, I'm kinda in a dilemma. Not knowing 2 much on the sub, I ordered an all-in-one Grow bag n inoculated in with Penis Envy. Now, every vid that I've seen on YouTube involving PE, it was done with a Grow bag n then into the monotub. My dilemma is that I don't believe I have enough bulk substrate when n if this bag takes off. I've seen or read about layering your monotub with the manure n then the berries n then same process again, but the grow bag in which I used definitely isn't gonna have enough substrate in it to do any layering, especially not a complete layer in a 56-66 qt. tub. I also had brought other rye berry bags that I have inoculated which has now doubled my stupidity, especially without more manure. True, I do have some odd weeks for things 2 be ready for that process, but I'm still kicking myself in the ass! I don't own a pressure cooker yet, therefore I have to start buying pre-sterile cakes n substrate. I have already ordered n received a mega mushroom grow/incubator kit from a repetable shroom equiptment dealer n that's the way I think I will go until I can get a pressure cooker n substrate(vermiculite n rye berries) in bulk n do the sterilization myself. I also have pasteurized straw that I could possible use in stretching the substrate that I have in the grow bag, but not 2 sure if i should do it. I think I'll just find a smaller tub 2 make layers with the one bag n place it inside the bigger tub n have it grow out from there. If anybody has any other suggestions that I could use or do for the PE strain, plz, my ears are open n I'm already listening! Lol. Well all, let's get started with the brf tek jars n see what type of love I can produce. Thank you all for allowing me to share my journey with y'all. Here's a pic of the grow kit... I'm thinking I'm gonna move my smallest grow tent inside n use the tent as my sterile area. I figure it'll be easier to sterilize a small n enclosed area, rather than trying to find a spot in the house that I'll have to super clean n sterilize every time I wanna work. Nobody enters my tents except for myself, so I believe in the long run it'll be easier. I will also post my Grow tent/sterilized work area in a few days, after I get the cannabis plants out n moving them into the bigger tent. Once again, thank you all for listening!

I think the straw will stretch it. I have a dilemma as well... I introduced my bulk substrate to fruiting conditions a day or two early. Hopefully it won't contaminate. I already have more rye berries and bulk substrate on the way. I'll definitely be doing the same mini monotub tek again, but I know how you feel. Fucking jumped the gun. I guess that's why in every post you see "HAVE PATIENCE" t'is a virtue. I think mine will be fine though. If I don't get any mushrooms at least it was fun getting to the colonization part.
Oh and the 6qt sterilite shoe box tubs suck dick. They have pointed edges so they don't lay flat. Not too mention there is a dip where the handles are. I have jerry rigged the fuck out of the box.
I think the straw will stretch it. I have a dilemma as well... I introduced my bulk substrate to fruiting conditions a day or two early. Hopefully it won't contaminate. I already have more rye berries and bulk substrate on the way. I'll definitely be doing the same mini monotub tek again, but I know how you feel. Fucking jumped the gun. I guess that's why in every post you see "HAVE PATIENCE" t'is a virtue. I think mine will be fine though. If I don't get any mushrooms at least it was fun getting to the colonization part.
Nice!@DankTankerous. Since I'm definitely a NOOB at this, my question 2 you is why do you feel you started 2 early? You don't feel the colonization was done yet? Like instead of starting at 90-100%, you feel it was lower? Also, how would that contaminate? I'm sorry 4 all the questions, but I'm really trying to get my "learn on" so 2 speak. Your absolutely right about "Have Patience". I think I need to put that into practice more often. So, I haven't set up the incubator yet, nor have I done the tent. It was raining as if it was monsoon season n I totally wasn't in the mood 2 do any work as well as properly getting my work area sterile. I rather wait til I'm ready than to mess everything up due to laziness.(Did I mention I'm pretty lazy?) I guess I'll be getting all cleaned up n sterile b4 the day is over. Is the tub above the 6qt tub that your talking about? I've seen a vid I believe either on YouTube or Tapatalk n the dude was doing monotub tek w/o any holes or polyfill. He just used the cover of the tub n placed it on top of the tub as usual, but instead of locking it down, he left it loosely on top n was turning it clockwise exposing only the 4 corner of the tub to air n as the shrooms fruited, he continued to turn the top everyday or every other day exposing more n more of the corners. I'm nowhere near advanced for that, but I will eventually try that method to see if it's actually do-able. Thankx for letting me know that I should be able to stretch the bulk substrate with the pasteurized straw. I haven't ordered any bulk substrate yet, but I'm gonna have to order this week coming up. I plan on grabbing about 10llbs. of manure, a brick of coir, n about 3 gallons of vermiculite. Seems like all the vids I've seen with the brf tek, the shrooms grow better or more in abundance when their rolled in the vermiculite after birthing so I gotta make sure I have that on hand b4 my jars get that far. I believe it was you that said so, but I 2 would be happy with just 1 shroom n I would feel a major accomplishment if I can get the colonization part down pact! Everything, including a contamination is just another lesson learned. I welcome those as well as any success, cause then I'll know what not 2 do or where I went wrong. Ok, I think I talked a hole in your head already Dank. Also, your blue mystic is coming along lovely. I have a sour bubbly from mephisto, a Bubblicious, NY Diesel, n a LSD-25 that I'll take pics of later n post. Keep everything going n growing all n Thankx for allowing me 2 share!

Nice!@DankTankerous. Since I'm definitely a NOOB at this, my question 2 you is why do you feel you started 2 early? You don't feel the colonization was done yet? Like instead of starting at 90-100%, you feel it was lower? Also, how would that contaminate? I'm sorry 4 all the questions, but I'm really trying to get my "learn on" so 2 speak. Your absolutely right about "Have Patience". I think I need to put that into practice more often. So, I haven't set up the incubator yet, nor have I done the tent. It was raining as if it was monsoon season n I totally wasn't in the mood 2 do any work as well as properly getting my work area sterile. I rather wait til I'm ready than to mess everything up due to laziness.(Did I mention I'm pretty lazy?) I guess I'll be getting all cleaned up n sterile b4 the day is over. Is the tub above the 6qt tub that your talking about? I've seen a vid I believe either on YouTube or Tapatalk n the dude was doing monotub tek w/o any holes or polyfill. He just used the cover of the tub n placed it on top of the tub as usual, but instead of locking it down, he left it loosely on top n was turning it clockwise exposing only the 4 corner of the tub to air n as the shrooms fruited, he continued to turn the top everyday or every other day exposing more n more of the corners. I'm nowhere near advanced for that, but I will eventually try that method to see if it's actually do-able. Thankx for letting me know that I should be able to stretch the bulk substrate with the pasteurized straw. I haven't ordered any bulk substrate yet, but I'm gonna have to order this week coming up. I plan on grabbing about 10llbs. of manure, a brick of coir, n about 3 gallons of vermiculite. Seems like all the vids I've seen with the brf tek, the shrooms grow better or more in abundance when their rolled in the vermiculite after birthing so I gotta make sure I have that on hand b4 my jars get that far. I believe it was you that said so, but I 2 would be happy with just 1 shroom n I would feel a major accomplishment if I can get the colonization part down pact! Everything, including a contamination is just another lesson learned. I welcome those as well as any success, cause then I'll know what not 2 do or where I went wrong. Ok, I think I talked a hole in your head already Dank. Also, your blue mystic is coming along lovely. I have a sour bubbly from mephisto, a Bubblicious, NY Diesel, n a LSD-25 that I'll take pics of later n post. Keep everything going n growing all n Thankx for allowing me 2 share!

Sweet dude, I ask a lot of questions as well. There are sights you can order from: shroomsupply and out-grow that will provide pasteurtized bulk substrate as well as spawn. i've ordered my stuff from them because I don't have a pressure cooker and this is my first round as well. As far as the corners being exposed that's kind of a brilliant idea, but that is coming from a noob I don't know if i'm having adequate FAE right now although there are just a few signs of it but nothing major. I would say I should have left it a day or two because there was two gaps that weren't over grown with mycellium due to moisture build up and then dropping on the substrate. however they were smaller than the size of a penny. But like in growing cannabis when you think you're ready to cut down, give it a few more days. It's really easy to make quick impulsive decisions and I know that all to well. I'm student too. Also I looked at Willy Myco's videos
Sweet dude, I ask a lot of questions as well. There are sights you can order from: shroomsupply and out-grow that will provide pasteurtized bulk substrate as well as spawn. i've ordered my stuff from them because I don't have a pressure cooker and this is my first round as well. As far as the corners being exposed that's kind of a brilliant idea, but that is coming from a noob I don't know if i'm having adequate FAE right now although there are just a few signs of it but nothing major. I would say I should have left it a day or two because there was two gaps that weren't over grown with mycellium due to moisture build up and then dropping on the substrate. however they were smaller than the size of a penny. But like in growing cannabis when you think you're ready to cut down, give it a few more days. It's really easy to make quick impulsive decisions and I know that all to well. I'm student too. Also I looked at Willy Myco's videos
Hey Dank! My apologies for taking so long to respond. Been kinda feeling under the weather the past few days n now I'm back to whatever would be concidered as my norm. Lol! So, I too have watched countless Willy Myco vids n I can honestly say that man has the whole shroom on smash! Every aspect of creating shrooms, that man seems to have it on lock. I'm very big on honesty n I haven't heard him say that he contaminated anything.... EVER! Lol. There's also a dude that goes by, I_H8Trollz(I think that's how he spells it) n I like watching his vids cause he very honest n not putting the dude down, but he doesn't seem 2 be or claim to be super sterile/clean n he has awesome success rates. I also found out (from ordering the grow kit) that when it comes to inoculation, you can do so over an open oven n they claim to have been using the method for over 10 yrs with success. I'm possibly gonna try that method eventually. As of right now, I set up my smallest grow tent inside my bedroom, that way I can have a complete sterile environment while I'm inoculating. When I'm not inoculating, the tent will also double as the Grow room. From some strange reason, it stays at about 75+ degrees always n that's w/o the heat mat n lights on. Dank, keep up the awesome Grow all the way around! @HeatlessBBQ, I'm still trying to get'em to put on his overalls, roll up his sleeves, n gets' ta growing! Lol.


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That is how You use a growbox !!! WELL DONE!!! :D
Hahahaha... Thankx HeatlessBBQ!
I'm glad you can see that I tried to use that bad boy to its full potential. I'm aiming for success, but I'm also prepping for failure. Hey, it's what to be expected on the 1st go round, no? Well, I hope I'll have a great success story than a very bad n sad fuck-up one! Lol
Well, speaking of a fail, I'm sad to report that my PE has contaminated out of the competition! I'm sad to see it go, cause that's the one that I was most looking forward 2. No worries.... that was the very 1st bag that I tried to inoculate n it was an all in one Grow bag. In all honesty, I know that it was indeed my fault, cause I had inoculated it twice, thinking it wasn't right the 1st time. I honestly wanna try something different with the PE, so the next time I order, I'll just do the rye berries. Keeping my fingers crossed for the rest! image.jpg-this is the failed PEimage.jpg-GT just starting to takeimage.jpg-this is the Ecuador
So, I have 2 bags of each n I believe 2 jars of the Ecuador as well, but I recently inoculated the jars, so no progress yet. I also have 4 jars of the Huatla. Hopefully, if they take off, I'll have more pics for you guys/gals soon!
Waiting for pictures... LoL

When are You fruiting , @DankTankerous .
I impatient as fuck.

Dude the Mycelium overlayed, so I gotta throw it out. My biggest mistake was filling it past the FAE holes. So because I had high humidity, which is good but no gas exchange there was no pinning. Also I should have broken up the spawn when it was 50% colonized. Alls well mathematical websites told be 2lbs=1qt that maybe true for volume but according to mushroom websites 1lb=1qt. Maybe I read it wrong. Oh well. I'm disappointed but hey it was fun while it lasted and that's what matters. I do have spawn, bulk substrate and a Mazatapec Spore Syringe all coming in today. So I'll be inoculating today. I'm going to order some more spawn and bulk substrate tomorrow when I get paid and try another way of doing the 6qt mini's and see which one works better

Lessons Learned:
Break up Mycelium in spawn bag/jar when 50%colonized
Don't fill past the FAE holes
Do more research
Don't fucking wing it
Have Patience

Edit: there still is a little hope. I'm going to breake up the Mycelium and put it in my Tomato plant under the cedar wood chips. People have grown that way. I'm not putting much stock in it but hey you never know. People have done it before.
Hey everyone!
I'm not gonna write a book or talk a hole in everyone's head 2 day. I just have a quick question..... I found this shroom growing on the side of the garage n wanted to know if anyone can tell if it's a edible, something that you can have a lil trip off of, or should I stay away from it altogether? Like I said in previous post, I'm a NOOB in every aspect, so my knowledge on shrooms is limited/ slim 2 none! Thankx for all the help.


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Dude the Mycelium overlayed, so I gotta throw it out. My biggest mistake was filling it past the FAE holes. So because I had high humidity, which is good but no gas exchange there was no pinning. Also I should have broken up the spawn when it was 50% colonized. Alls well mathematical websites told be 2lbs=1qt that maybe true for volume but according to mushroom websites 1lb=1qt. Maybe I read it wrong. Oh well. I'm disappointed but hey it was fun while it lasted and that's what matters. I do have spawn, bulk substrate and a Mazatapec Spore Syringe all coming in today. So I'll be inoculating today. I'm going to order some more spawn and bulk substrate tomorrow when I get paid and try another way of doing the 6qt mini's and see which one works better

Lessons Learned:
Break up Mycelium in spawn bag/jar when 50%colonized
Don't fill past the FAE holes
Do more research
Don't fucking wing it
Have Patience

Edit: there still is a little hope. I'm going to breake up the Mycelium and put it in my Tomato plant under the cedar wood chips. People have grown that way. I'm not putting much stock in it but hey you never know. People have done it before.
What's going on @DankTankerous? I'm reading your last post n I'm taking notes! Thankx 4 being forthcoming n sharing the good as well as the bad. Truly appreciate it. I 2 will be doing the same... Posting the good as well as the bad. I have 6 brf cake jars left still n I have half a spore syringe of Golden Teacher left n a full syringe of the Mazatapec. I don't think I'm going to inoculate the last of my spores til I'm 100% sure of the faith of the ones that I've already inoc'd. I'll be taking pics of whatever progress I got going on next week n I'm gonna try my hardest not to go in or bother the grow tent. Once again, Thankx 4 keeping us updated n hope all turns out well 2 your benefit! Keep up the good grow bro!
Hey all!
I know, I know..... I'm back already. Lol. I have a few questions n wondering if you guys/gals can help. I have found a way that I can have a constant supply of bulk substrate, hpoo to be exact. I was looking at manure base substrate last nite, cause I plan on ordering in the next week or 2 n I wasn't sure on how much to order. Then I remembered that my wife works near a very big city park n there's actually a horse stable near by n they give kids rides thru the park daily n when they're not doing that, they're naturally giving the horses a walk around. When the horse poops, they just leave it. Hence my new hpoo gold mine! Lol. So, my 1st question is, have any of you guys worked with fresh hpoo? I mean, I know it's suppose to be dried out for a minimum of 3 wks n then pasteurized, but is there anything else that needs to be done or added 2 it? If it's able to be used, do you guys/gals have any ideas on how long it stays good for? I mean if I leave the poo dried out n only hydrate or pasteurize it when it's needed, do either have a shelf life so 2 speak? I appreciate y'all help as always n looking forward to ya responses. I'm super sike'd in seeing this work. In the long run, it'll save me a great deal of money n I'm able to have a constant flow of it. Can't say anything more!
I have no idea but i'm sure there are tek's out there on how to do it. I order my manure off the internet. I haven't bought a pressure cooker or else i'd do it myself.
I have no idea but i'm sure there are tek's out there on how to do it. I order my manure off the internet. I haven't bought a pressure cooker or else i'd do it myself.
Thankx 4 the response Dank!
I'm gonna have a look on YouTube n see if anyone is using or making their own pasteurized manure. I don't have a pressure cooker yet either n that is my next goal. I don't wanna have to continuously buy new pre-pasteurized jars or even pre-pasteurized spawn bags. I would like to be able to reuse the jars n do the sterilization scene myself. Not only will I be saving a buck or 2, the learning experience out weighs any amount in dollars or cents. Im so use to growing with cannabis that I tend to want to do more or something extra, but there's nothing to do but 2 wait! Smh. So, in the meantime I'll just continue to find things to read n watch. If I find anything interesting or new, I'll keep ya posted n or direct ya to it. Btw, I don't know if I posted them b4, but I see you have a blue mystic going on there? I have a few seedlings myself going on. Here's a pic of my Sour Bubbly by mephisto n Kali x China by Guatemala Aces(I think!)
The big girl in the back is NY Diesel. She should be coming up on 90 days n the other 2 lil ladies I'm not 2 sure of the age n will have to go back. I have grown blue mystic b4 n she's a very awesome plant! I wish you nothing but success with her!!!!! If you have anymore cannabis pics, new or old, I would love to see what ya working with. Keep me posted bro!


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