a mediocre shroom garden thread

hello everyone! ive made the switch over to gourmet but i had a TON of experience in the fun ones too :)
the biggest thing that helped us out was switching from jars to bags with the filter patches on them. the .5 micron you can seal before you PC. no need for a sealer, you can just use duct tape before you PC but sealers are nice(and cheap on ebay). another big thing was building a flowhood. built a 12x24 out of MDF and a nice nuclear grade HEPA. used one of my old 6" inline fans to power it. for us, birdseed was king. cheap, readily available and easy to work with. just soak overnight, drain for a few hours and then bag/sterilize. im running a 20# bag right now for oysters and lions mane. made 4 big ass bags that i had to PC 2 at a time they were so big. those will get hit with liquid cultures and then spawned to straw/coffee grounds or cottonseed hulls if i can get them. the bags in the pics are popcorn with mesquite chips added.

for you cube guys any of the above will work. if you are going for yield get away from the pf cakes. use grain to spawn a mix of coir/verm/manure and place into mono tubs with several 1" holes with felt filters. fan/mist regularly and they will reward you.
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hello everyone! ive made the switch over to gourmet but i had a TON of experience in the fun ones too :)
the biggest thing that helped us out was switching from jars to bags with the filter patches on them. the .5 micron you can seal before you PC. no need for a sealer, you can just use duct tape before you PC but sealers are nice(and cheap on ebay). another big thing was building a flowhood. built a 12x24 out of MDF and a nice nuclear grade HEPA. used one of my old 6" inline fans to power it. for us, birdseed was king. cheap, readily available and easy to work with. just soak overnight, drain for a few hours and then bag/sterilize. im running a 20# bag right now for oysters and lions mane. made 4 big ass bags that i had to PC 2 at a time they were so big. those will get hit with liquid cultures and then spawned to straw/coffee grounds or cottonseed hulls if i can get them. the bags in the pics are popcorn with mesquite chips added.

for you cube guys any of the above will work. if you are going for yield get away from the pf cakes. use grain to spawn a mix of coir/verm/manure and place into mono tubs with several 1" holes with felt filters. fan/mist regularly and they will reward you.
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I was also considering doing gourmet mushrooms as well for the local reserants .. thanks for the info..
well they're on their way..
this first pic is of my lc I grew then knocked up This jar with 2 days agoView attachment 4022994
these next two I used spores on
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View attachment 4022998I have ten in total that are growing now.. so far no visable contamination as of yet
Looking good @farmerfischer!
I was a lil afraid to test out the LC that I’ve created, but you gave me the push to just go ahead n do so. After reading a lot of post, I’ve found out that the LC which I created is a multispore LC n not 1 that is clone or anything like that. Didn’t know that they’re different types of LC that can be created. Hopefully, I can get the tek down pact, that way I can have different types of LC going on. Regardless, the aim is the same.. To take a lil as possible from 1 n create n bunch of new one jars of spawn. Hopefully it’ll keep me in spores or culture for something b4 I have to purchase more. Planning on trying my hand at edibles next, just to learn how all different mycelium grows
Looking good @farmerfischer!
I was a lil afraid to test out the LC that I’ve created, but you gave me the push to just go ahead n do so. After reading a lot of post, I’ve found out that the LC which I created is a multispore LC n not 1 that is clone or anything like that. Didn’t know that they’re different types of LC that can be created. Hopefully, I can get the tek down pact, that way I can have different types of LC going on. Regardless, the aim is the same.. To take a lil as possible from 1 n create n bunch of new one jars of spawn. Hopefully it’ll keep me in spores or culture for something b4 I have to purchase more. Planning on trying my hand at edibles next, just to learn how all different mycelium grows

I'm very New to cultivating shrooms but from what I've read and have been told lc's are great because as long as its clean you can use it for along time eliminating germination time and straight to colonizing , cuts the jar time down about a week maybe more, not sure yet.. isolating and cloning tissue seems to be the way to go, which is my plan down the road.. this way you can pick the shrooms that you want and grow more even uniform flushes and clone them, in turn producing more on each flush.. this is my plan anyways..( God I sound almost like finnshagy) I'm told I can use peroxide on my lc to sterilize it, I guess the peroxide won't harm healthy mature mycilium ( sorry if spelled wrong) and kills everything else.. problem is I can't find any tek on it on this forum or Google and you tube.. anyone know who much peroxide to use on liquid cultures?
well I found some info in regards of using peroxide on lc's .. what I found says to use 3 cc's but doesn't say how much solution to use and mix it with..
hello everyone! ive made the switch over to gourmet but i had a TON of experience in the fun ones too :)
the biggest thing that helped us out was switching from jars to bags with the filter patches on them. the .5 micron you can seal before you PC. no need for a sealer, you can just use duct tape before you PC but sealers are nice(and cheap on ebay). another big thing was building a flowhood. built a 12x24 out of MDF and a nice nuclear grade HEPA. used one of my old 6" inline fans to power it. for us, birdseed was king. cheap, readily available and easy to work with. just soak overnight, drain for a few hours and then bag/sterilize. im running a 20# bag right now for oysters and lions mane. made 4 big ass bags that i had to PC 2 at a time they were so big. those will get hit with liquid cultures and then spawned to straw/coffee grounds or cottonseed hulls if i can get them. the bags in the pics are popcorn with mesquite chips added.

for you cube guys any of the above will work. if you are going for yield get away from the pf cakes. use grain to spawn a mix of coir/verm/manure and place into mono tubs with several 1" holes with felt filters. fan/mist regularly and they will reward you.
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Hell yea,
I'm very New to cultivating shrooms but from what I've read and have been told lc's are great because as long as its clean you can use it for along time eliminating germination time and straight to colonizing , cuts the jar time down about a week maybe more, not sure yet.. isolating and cloning tissue seems to be the way to go, which is my plan down the road.. this way you can pick the shrooms that you want and grow more even uniform flushes and clone them, in turn producing more on each flush.. this is my plan anyways..( God I sound almost like finnshagy) I'm told I can use peroxide on my lc to sterilize it, I guess the peroxide won't harm healthy mature mycilium ( sorry if spelled wrong) and kills everything else.. problem is I can't find any tek on it on this forum or Google and you tube.. anyone know who much peroxide to use on liquid cultures?
Don't use it in lc. It's superior without it.
Hello my Mycology compadres!
I promise this post will be quick n painless! Lol. So, I got the courage this evening from @farmerfischer to go ahead n check on the LCs that I tried to create, so I did so! I’ve taken about 3- 1/2 pint jars n 2- qt jars n used a total of 12ccs to noc them up. Mainly checking for Tammy n if I’m gonna need to scrap this particular culture altogether. Hence my reason for noc’n up so many jars. As it sits, the 3 1/2 pint jars were BRF jars. 1 of the qt jars was with plain ol rye berries. 2nd qt jar was with rye berries n spent coffee grounds. Like I said, my main goal or objective is to check for contams n my 2nd objective is to see which one of the 3 different materials are the best to try n noc up or which one of the 3 the mycelium likes better than the next. So, by the wknd, I should have pics of either my success or my failure. Either way, it’ll be another 1 of life’s lessons learned!
pink oysters and lions mane pinning! the lions mane are the poofy white balls on top. and the last pic is of their bunkmates. hawaiian baby woodrose from seed. only got 3/50 to survive. hard to get going because of their extremely hard seed shell but real hardy once they get going
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what sort of LC are you guys making? i started doing light malt extract LC and im never looking back. add a gram of LME for every cup of water, sterilize for 20-30 min and then done. My LCs are growing up the sides of the glass and making an island on top of the water. had to stick them in the fridge to slow them down!

LME is cheap, like $8/pound and you can get it anywhere that sells home brew stuff
what sort of LC are you guys making? i started doing light malt extract LC and im never looking back. add a gram of LME for every cup of water, sterilize for 20-30 min and then done. My LCs are growing up the sides of the glass and making an island on top of the water. had to stick them in the fridge to slow them down!

LME is cheap, like $8/pound and you can get it anywhere that sells home brew stuff
Im using local honey and a stir bar/plate.
Hey y’all,

So my last mini monotub didn’t work out so I put the spawn and substrate in my tomato plant pot. Last week while searching for worms I saw the recolonization of the substrate and decided not to disturb it. Last night we had a terrible rain storm and the temps were cooler today like in the 70’s well when I got home this little booger was popping out of the ground super blue in all. Is it the B+ mushroom that I put in the tomato plant or not?

Hey y’all,

So my last mini monotub didn’t work out so I put the spawn and substrate in my tomato plant pot. Last week while searching for worms I saw the recolonization of the substrate and decided not to disturb it. Last night we had a terrible rain storm and the temps were cooler today like in the 70’s well when I got home this little booger was popping out of the ground super blue in all. Is it the B+ mushroom that I put in the tomato plant or not?

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i would put money on it.
It looks like the humidity dropped. You can tell by the cracked cap
Oh yeah I’m going to let it develop. I might just do a Spore print. I innoculated another bag with my B+, but when taking the syringe out there was condensation on the needle. I put a flame to the needle and got all the condensation out of the outside, but hopefully it didn’t contaminate the bag. Also We have another storm coming so hopefully I get more shrooms
Hey everyone!
I have a quick question for the masses.... By taking @psychedelicdaddi advice n not opening up the monotub so frequently, it’s looking very humid within the tub n I really can’t see much, but I have noticed that I’m getting quite a few side pins. So my question is, do I just leave everything be n not disturb the tub, or do I move onto another step? Thank you guys/gals in advance n I appreciate y’all advice always!
Hey everyone!
I have a quick question for the masses.... By taking @psychedelicdaddi advice n not opening up the monotub so frequently, it’s looking very humid within the tub n I really can’t see much, but I have noticed that I’m getting quite a few side pins. So my question is, do I just leave everything be n not disturb the tub, or do I move onto another step? Thank you guys/gals in advance n I appreciate y’all advice always!
mind as well start fanning and misting if you are seeing pins