A newb, who doesn't want to jump in yet

tiny roach

Active Member
This is one of MY faves, as you can tell , when I have my tea, my tunes mellow down, as evening comes in...........


tiny roach

Active Member
I can't help but read all of your posts in a William Shatner/Captain Kirk voice, because of the punctuation.
Yeah, my ellipses, ........I get so much shit over that post style, I think I even included it in the "about me " part of my profile.

My son says it's "yoda speak." Me........its just the way I post, I can't seem to control it, thoughtful pauses, or perhaps, ..........spaceouts......LOLZ !!

No , matter where I go, I am easy to find, as I ALWAYS post this way, and get soooo much shit for it, but, its me, so............post on, is what I do.
'Yo, my blogs...........no kidding, it drove folks nut. They still followed my oddball sense of humor, and musical taste, as oit seemed to outweigh all those damn ellipses...........HEY, I actually DID take a year of creative writing in the 1980's and , got hell , even then , for my overuse of dramatic pausing, as , in honesty, ellipses are only supposed to be 3 periods, for a pause in thought. Hmm.........should I work on this...........thinkin' ........NAH........wth...........its a cool way to post, and for sure, you'de know if I ever socked, because it IS my sig. ......LMAO...........:lol:.........thanks, LOLZ@me !!!!!!!!

btw, you are not the first, to call me william Shatner, but it's still funny, anyway......... : D <3

OOPS.......I never did me a sig, .......best get my ass in gear !!!


Well-Known Member
Those aren't ellipses. An ellipses is three periods (...) to denote either infinity (mathematics,) as a narrative device (omitting details, and allowing the reader to fill them in,) or to denote removed text in a quote (generally bracketed thus: [...].)

I'll admit, it's a very unique writing style. :bigjoint:And, when I read it, I can ONLY read it in Captain Kirk's voice. (I'm fine with that, Shatner's great!)

tiny roach

Active Member
Those aren't ellipses. An ellipses is three periods (...) to denote either infinity (mathematics,) as a narrative device (omitting details, and allowing the reader to fill them in,) or to denote removed text in a quote (generally bracketed thus: [...].)

I'll admit, it's a very unique writing style. :bigjoint:And, when I read it, I can ONLY read it in Captain Kirk's voice. (I'm fine with that, Shatner's great!)
ahhh........you missed that sentence, where i said" an ellipse is actually only 3 periods.........thats okay.........all the punctuation probably threw you over the edge, there......BUT , if you look, i actually did point out that exact fact...........HEY.......were you intocreative writing , too, thats where I learned all that crap, years ago, and , no kidding, when I cursive, in my journal I STILL do that.........what can I say ev=xept, sorry,m hate to see it make me into captain Kirk, or as my son says.......YODA.......EEKS........ok, I'll try, for YOU , to be a bit less "ellipsical...." (no way is that a word, either )

Was getting ready for a few late night posts, here............OOPs......sorry......lolz@me again.

Going for a good tune, to send me to dreamland soon. Be back , though.......:bigjoint:

tiny roach

Active Member
Love Orbison.......


Loved the "Black and White concert", with all those other great, talented musicians playing along with roy.

tiny roach

Active Member
Those aren't ellipses. An ellipses is three periods (...) to denote either infinity (mathematics,) as a narrative device (omitting details, and allowing the reader to fill them in,) or to denote removed text in a quote (generally bracketed thus: [...].)

I'll admit, it's a very unique writing style. :bigjoint:And, when I read it, I can ONLY read it in Captain Kirk's voice. (I'm fine with that, Shatner's great!)
"Phasers on stun............be ready for anything...........Scotty...........beam me up , on my command"

tiny roach

Active Member
So......did a sig , where TF is it, ???????

OK.........it only comes up on my new posts.........I get it......

G'night Rollitup........I like this forum, see all tomorrow...*devious chuckle*


Well-Known Member
OP is female..... stats here have fallen to 99.99996% male....

welcome aboard.... as a Mod.. I must inform you of the requirement to post to 2 threads.. failure to comply may result in us beating CN... either way good times!
if you dont have a pet.. it's ok to post a in the 1st thread more then 2 times...


Your good gioua !
Glad to see ya av back ta norm !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
OP is female..... stats here have fallen to 99.99996% male....

welcome aboard.... as a Mod.. I must inform you of the requirement to post to 2 threads.. failure to comply may result in us beating CN... either way good times!
if you dont have a pet.. it's ok to post a in the 1st thread more then 2 times...


Right on tha money there g ! That's a must to do thing here !
By the way hows roxy and grechen ?