A nl#5 reveg journal


Well-Known Member
i have my sprouts on 18/6... i may switch to 24/0 in a couple of weeks... i did 24/0 last time around and noticed upper growth (above root and soil level) being a lil faster, but not too much... i have bigger containers i am growing in this time, so more root development shouldnt be all that bad...


Well-Known Member
I am about to harvest a plant. I have no idea what the strain is, but I really want to try this method. Its GREAT weed. Honestly the best I have ever had.

So, if I can get it reveging fro the root ball I can, in theory, keep it going & get more of the same?

It finished early but the high is SOO cerabral. Man I wish I knew what kind it was.

When I bought the quarter, I believe the guy told me it was godbud. Have no idea but its def very good stuff.

Would it make sense to water it with the stuff you dip your clones in? I have a small bottle & it makes even a leaf sprout roots. If I made a tea with it & watered what I have left after harvest (Keeping bottom leaves & small buds) would that work to get her going again?

I only have one shot at this so I would like some opinions before I try.Babies 011.jpg


Well-Known Member
glad to hear you found a keeper carl, hang onto her for all your worth, keepers don't grow on trees(ha ha)
you don't need to use cloning compound, just leave some bud after harvest, and turn back the lighting to 18/6
i don't know what the compound will do, i suggest caution with it, definitely read more before trying it