A Non-Toker's AK48 Stealth CFL Grow


So I haven't smoked for about 6 months because I'm hoping for a promotion and that equals a drug test. Before I started back last year around this time I hadn't smoked in about 8 years. Found out I missed it, cheaper for me than beer and without the horrible feeling in morning.

I came across this site and it spiked some curiosity. I thought, wow, I could just grow my own and not even have to worry about buying it when I do start back. I read for about a month before I even joined, finally got tired of not being able to see pictures. Once I joined and saw all the pictures of the plants people were growing with just CFL's I decided I had to do it. So I bought some seeds from nirvana, AK48, and started buying up supplies. My current setup, I say current because it's always changing, is inside the bottom of a utility cabinet. I painted the inside flat white and bought some lamp makers(basically a lamp socket on the end of a cord). Bought a timer to run it all, a surge protector, a thermometer, some y splitters for the sockets, and of course CFL's.

The cabinet is 22"x18"X38" so keeping it small is key. I decided to LST, but am nowhere near that point yet. The lights I planned to use, even though I have plans for more already, are 4 26w 6500 and 2 26w 2700 for veg. For flower I am using 2 42w 2700, 2 26w 2700, and 2 26w 6500. With my small area this should be plenty, but I'm going to add more anyway. Right now the white paint is the only reflector but tomorrow I am going to add a diy reflector and two computer fans(intake and outtake) to keep down on the heat once I put the thermal blanket on the front section and bottom.

I started out with a couple of tomato plants in there just seeing what could be done with CFL's, I got good growth so happy with that. I germed 3 seeds using the papertowel method. All three germed but I think I left one in there too long because one I took it and planted it it died. So now I'm down to two plants. One about an inch and one half an inch taller than that in party cups. I have a diy co2 jug in there with them, just hoping the cheap method will help a bit. That's where I'm at now. With the plants in their second day of under the lights. Have them 20/4 right now. We'll see how it goes. :-P



Added more lights, a diy reflector, intake and outtake fans, and thermal blanet siding to help with reflecting the light. The worst part is I've been off a few days and have did nothing but watch them. Patience, patience, patience....damn it. Went to every harware store in town and couldn't find more y splitters so online it is. I'll post more pics of the improved setup soon.


Here are some updated pics. Started growing a bit faster. Think I was overwatering. Gonna let it dry up some before watering again. The lights and fan were drying up the top. We'll see, think it's going well so far. These pics show the added thermal blanket, reflector, fans, and more lights. Just bought 5 more y extenders so when they come in I'll add more. Probably not until flower though, cause I think I'm running a good amount of light for veg. 6x26w 6500 and 1x42w 2700.

