A Noobs Plan.... Good or bad


Active Member
i am thinking of growing nirvana seeds northern lights and blue mystic fem. growing for personal in something like a 2x2x2.5. plan on growing one of each in a ten in pot and doing the spiral LST. Picked these seeds for low odor, ability to keep fairly small, and decent yield. Running probably 8 cfls for about 200w and a 14w red blue led pad which is equivalent to about 4 23w cfls.

good plan or no, feel free to comment neg or pos.

also i read that this one guy tops for two branches then does the spiral LST with each branch going on the opposite side, what are the benefits of this as opposed to one stem all the way around?



Well-Known Member
You are going to need some more height. You might pull it off with LST and CFLs though... ;)


Active Member
ya the thought was to keep the lights close, LST, and possibly flower early, blue mystic total height is around 28 in tops according to nirvana and NL usually a foot taller. I think with LST the BM should be no problem, maybe the NL will be a challenge. Use both or drop NL and grow 2 BM? Im totally open to suggestion.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Check out my grow man. I got a Blue Mystic from Nirvana........ btw they dont grow with a neutral smell lol. Im growing in a small area too. Id link it but i dont know how. Just check on my profile and you should be able to find it. I too am Spiral LST with two tops. So come check it out bro. Peace

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Thanks, eventhough she is burnt due to Mg defecientcy :(. Idk how tall she is gonna get, I'm really not worried cuase I got enough vertical space to let her go. I dont have horizontal space though. And I think the yield is gonna be better doing the double top LST. I'll be taking a clone pretty soon then straight to flower so you should sub to my grow and watch to see. Thanks for checking it out. And if your serious about growing try a PC box to get your feet wet. Its a micro climate and start with some bagseed so your not wasting money if you learn you cant grow. I hope you stick with it bro. Peace and bong hits.