A post filled with anger towards a foreigner customer at work [but kind of humorous]

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Ok. I work at a large department store in a small college town, and today was 'Black Friday' which means giant sales. So I'm working, fat white bitches with fat white kids come in and fuck shit up. Literally throwing jeans all over the floor, the kids running around taking the little gadgets and toys out of the box, pulling ties of hangers, etc. This went on for 2 1/2 hours today. We usually get a crazy foreigner or two every night, and for some reason they flock to me and not other employees. Maybe because I'm an idiot and follow the procedure we were trained: "Greet all customers and offer assistance."

So this Indian guy with a turban on his head walks in. Now I don't know if it was because he was foreign or what, but this guy just gave off a really weird vibe.

Anyways, he asks me about the specials we have. I read off from my mind: "this brand of jeans, blah blah blah, 50 dollar purchase, ten dollars off..." and he say I would like to make a 50 dollar purchase today. He picks out some gloves and asks to use the dressing room. This is where I really started to think he's a lunatic. He went in, separated the gloves, and came out with them on. He then posed many times with the gloves and continually asked me how he looked. I began to think I was on some new TV show or something really bizarre like that. I began to stare into his turban looking for the camera.

I then told him that the gloves were fine, they should keep his hands warm. He asked me if I could give him the ten dollar discount on a 12.99 pair of gloves. I replied, no. He then asked to speak to the manager. I called my training supervisor over the walkie talkie, and said customer service to mens 2. [and when you say 2 after the department it means it's an idiot with an idiot request, when you say nothing except your department, it means it's a legitimate request that requires attention]

Anyways, he finally accepted that he had to spend 50 dollars [in subtotal] to get 10 dollars off. He then grabbed a dress shirt and then asked me if he could try it on. The dress shirts are folded in a way that is un-redo-able. I figured he knew his size. He came out and tried to relate that the sleeves were too short and the neck was too fat. I then asked him what his size was. He replied 40 in India, I should know the american. I then referenced the indian to american size chart I carry with me at all times - NOT! So I measured him up, and gave him the shirt in the same color that was his size. He came back out to say. This shirt will not fit my father. My father is the same height as me but with broader shoulders. I gave him a little bigger neck size and 34 sleeve length instead of 32. He then tried that on. He decided it was good.

I had been working with this customer for 1 hour now. I was really feeling the pain so when he popped into the dressing room with the third shirt [meaning I'll have to fold the other two!] I took two Camel snus [which are actually quite good, but they go bad/dry fast riding in a pocket.]

Anyways, the tobacco soaks in through my gums, I feel refreshed slightly. He decides he needs a hat. He made ME try on the hats, as he said he can't remove his turban until the end of the day. He then said he planned to wear the hat over his turban. I had a hell of a time finding the hats that you fold over so two layers cover your ears and one layer covers the rest of your head... But I did eventually. He then placed the hat on my head when I showed it to him. It was very awkward and almost threatening...

I have quite long hair, the hat messed it up for the rest of the night.

Anyways, after 1 hour and 45 minutes, I get him ready to check out with the three items, and his total is 48.97. The computer won't give him the discount. Eventually he finds some jewelry that he liked and when he is getting ready to finish off the transaction, somebody commented on how close he was to getting $15 off for a $75 purchase, starting the process over again. All the while the fat white bitches with their screaming and horrible children were running all over the store.

$7.75 has never been earned by me like this.
I'd actually rather spend 2 hours with one weird crazy fuckin customer than 50 of your average crazy motherfuckers...

But they don't touch you or spend a lot of time asking you for something they didn't even want to begin with. They want a color, they want to be measured, you measure them, hand them their shit, 10% of the time they try it on, they pay and leave. And they can speak english well enough that even if they are idiots, you can at least see their though process.
Yeah man, you must learn to use your job for entertainment... I bet that sheik guy could have shared some interesting stories...

Youre paid to be there and serve costomers, not to come in and stand around undesturbed. I wonder wy people find it so humiliating to work in service jobs.
But they don't touch you or spend a lot of time asking you for something they didn't even want to begin with. They want a color, they want to be measured, you measure them, hand them their shit, 10% of the time they try it on, they pay and leave. And they can speak english well enough that even if they are idiots, you can at least see their though process.
If it was me I would have said it's against the rules for me to try the clothes on and for you to touch me. I would have been rather strict. :)
nope, no racism here. :wink:

We're all racist. Whether we like it or not, no one can control it. It's programmed in our minds to make generalities about groups. Stereotypes can be picked apart and proven true in most cases. Some are plain ridiculous however...

But I am accepting of anyone of any race, after I get to know them. Like I said in a thread before, I'm white as they come, but when I walk into a room of people I don't know, I gravitate to the black guys. They are usually more chill. And I just tried not to do it but did it in the plainest of ways. You see; we are but prisoners of the mind, lol.
I think what you mean to say is even if we are not racist, we are all prejudiced.