A Present for the DWC club - DWC vs Soil


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd give the DWC club an extra ego boost! Here's a comparison of DWC clones against their soil-based mothers.

First, the sweet basil.

Now, the Mr. Stripey tomato.

Larger, darker leaves. Thicker, more luscious growth. The flavor of the hydro basil compared to the soil basil is top notch as long as it's kept properly fed. I made the best green pasta sauce with the stuff last night.


Now that I have the DWCs outside on a permanent basis, I'll get to see how quickly they overtake their soil progenitors.


Well-Known Member
When I take clones, I find a good 6 inch long shoot to clone from. I use a razor blade, cut at approximately 45 degree angle, then wet the stem with a very very VERY mild soap water (this helps keep the stem moist and prevent air bubbles from getting trapped at the cut) and then I trim off any lower growth on the bottom 1/2 of the shoot and put into either rooting plugs or jars of water under a gentle light.
Once they've established roots, I transplant into their final container, and then I do not prune anything away for the first two or three weeks, to allow the plant to get acclimated to it's permanent residence and establish a good root system.

Pruning should only IMHO be done when you clone, and after you have a well-established plant. Exceptions are if the growth has gotten too out of control (one reason I moved the Tomato outside, it was taking over in the closet) then you could prune to either thin out your canopy (Screen of green method) or prune to shape your plant (bonsai, LST, multi-cola/supercropping.)

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Hey Kali me again. I stumbled upon your DWC thread and am really impressed the results. I'm hoping your right about not having problems with res temps even with your stuff outdoors as you staed on my thread. That gives me hope. I'm trying to keep my temps down and hav tried frozen water bottles. It works pretty good bringing water down to 70-74 degrees for over 4 hours. Yo I'm subscribed and here to learn.

Good luck on your grows.


Well-Known Member
My plants are still rockin outside. They love it out there so much that now the hydro tomato has outgrown the soil one. The hydro basil has EXPLODED, and I'm actually having problems using enough of it in my cooking to keep it down to size! No problems with reservoir temperatures, they've climbed up past 80 and no issues!
Beeyootifull haha. I love using Deep Water Culture, it makes me feel more...healthy? I guess you could say. What a great comparison though, really convincing, that oxygen boost makes for the greenest plants haha I love it. My friend has some L.A Confidential growing in DWC right now, and some Short Ryder in a pot, and the LA-C is just booming out this green color. Magnificent.