A question about cherry pie

I'm all about the baby poop terps!
Dead bugs is a new one for me. Trying to imagine what dead bugs smell like. Lol

I can't keep my nose out of my jars of Hong Kong Phooey by CSI. Got the basement butthole terps going on.
My man. Hahah that sounds like some raunchyyy smoke. I dig it. I get like dry and acrid with a bit of funk that smells kinda like puke to me. I guess I interpret that as a dead bug smell. Hard to describe, really does just smell like dry, acrid, pukey death. I consistently get it in certain afghani crosses
I'm all about the baby poop terps!
Dead bugs is a new one for me. Trying to imagine what dead bugs smell like. Lol

I can't keep my nose out of my jars of Hong Kong Phooey by CSI. Got the basement butthole terps going on.
i found a pheno of jack herer that i call diaper haze. smells like a newborn took a shit in a diaper and you dumped a bowl of rotten fruit on it. its disgusting but it gets you absolutely torched like no other.
NICE! Who's JH?
seedsman fems i got as a freebie last year. was a super vigorous narrow leaf plant.. nothing like any jack ive had before but was insanely powerful. yielded great, finished in 9.5, but it did throw a cluster or two of sacks around week 4 so i culled it. dried flower has rotten fruit and diaper terps, smells hazey and incensey with some fruit in the smoke in the air. she was nice but the baby poo smell just wasnt for me, yet ironically the pissy hazes are. i guess im team yellow and not team brown :spew:
seedsman fems i got as a freebie last year. was a super vigorous narrow leaf plant.. nothing like any jack ive had before but was insanely powerful. yielded great, finished in 9.5, but it did throw a cluster or two of sacks around week 4 so i culled it. dried flower has rotten fruit and diaper terps, smells hazey and incensey with some fruit in the smoke in the air. she was nice but the baby poo smell just wasnt for me, yet ironically the pissy hazes are. i guess im team yellow and not team brown :spew:
Sounds like you should check out AKBB Golden Showers. Lol
I'm eyeing Seattle chronic bickett og cut, cherry pie x gmo. Pie face, birthday cake (caper purple), various OG and chem varieties from archive and lucky dog, and annunaki for colorful genes with good effects. Will be taking certain combos of these to things like Sour bubb bx4, avi's koffee and kode name k by PNW, honey badger haze, and a few others to be determined. Would like to find the meat terps somewhere in all that but im not sure if I will. I have other goals for crosses either way. But I'll be keeping my eyes and nose open