A question about how light affects the flowering photoperiod


Hello Everyone,
My plant is currently 11" tall and starting to develop calyxes (approximately germed 1 month ago). I have put her into the flowering cycle recently and I have a problem keeping the door shut during the dark cycle because I feel the need to check on her every few hours to make sure no ladybugs are devouring her. What can I say, I love her :mrgreen:.
So now onto the question, I have my grow in a bedroom closet, the bedroom is fairly large and the closet is 8' by 3'. I can't see very well when it's dark without a light on so I have to turn a light on to check on my plant, will this affects how fast my plant flowers, or will it screw up the photoperiod?


Well-Known Member
You really should try and keep it dark as much as you can. The occasional quick flash won't affect it much, but keep it to a minimum. I wouldn't worry about ladybugs, they don't eat plants, they eat other bugs.


Active Member
Really? Something was eating my plant and I'm sure it was some kind of bug.
Bro, unless they're fireflies, don't look for them in the dark. Tempting to keep those apron strings tied tight, I know, but your teenage girl needs be on her own during the nights and there's nothing you can do that'll help.

Except I will say dark-period interruptions are pretty strain/pheno dependent; some don't take well to being blasted with light in the middle of the night, some can't handle a pale diffuse light from a power bar or whatever. Best to stand in there for fifteen minutes, feel the vibes and be one with your plant like a real fuckin' farmer of the darkness (unwholesome I know but this is clandestine business), listen for bugs and the subtle whispers of leaves rustling in the dark, and while all that spiritual shit's going on your eye adjust and you see all your light leaks and you are a now a garden-variety ninja, at one with all growing things.

Then you go fix light leaks. Maybe you don't have any, I dunno. Can't hurt right?


Bro, unless they're fireflies, don't look for them in the dark. Tempting to keep those apron strings tied tight, I know, but your teenage girl needs be on her own during the nights and there's nothing you can do that'll help.

Except I will say dark-period interruptions are pretty strain/pheno dependent; some don't take well to being blasted with light in the middle of the night, some can't handle a pale diffuse light from a power bar or whatever. Best to stand in there for fifteen minutes, feel the vibes and be one with your plant like a real fuckin' farmer of the darkness (unwholesome I know but this is clandestine business), listen for bugs and the subtle whispers of leaves rustling in the dark, and while all that spiritual shit's going on your eye adjust and you see all your light leaks and you are a now a garden-variety ninja, at one with all growing things.

Then you go fix light leaks. Maybe you don't have any, I dunno. Can't hurt right?
Haha this post is great man, I hope you write professionally because you have talent. Rep+


Well-Known Member
i got mine at home depot its a green colored cfl but i know theres some online shops that sell headlights with green leds in them.