A question for Libertarians.

Don't judge me. I gave that girl the only possible chance of experiencing an orgasm she ever had. She got to experience my orgasm at least.

this is not meant to be mean but, do you know what your IQ is? there is correlation between IQ and molestation of the handicapped, the dead etc;
this is not meant to be mean but, do you know what your IQ is? there is correlation between IQ and molestation of the handicapped, the dead etc;

why not just call BnB the king of pedos/necros and be done with it ... saves time
well it certainly isn't IQ then.

why 5 tests?
Different opportunities I've had required iq tests as part of the deal.

One was for diagnostic purposes at a fairly early age.

And then a couple of scientific research projects I participated in in college.
Different opportunities I've had required iq tests as part of the deal.

One was for diagnostic purposes at a fairly early age.

And then a couple of scientific research projects I participated in in college.

what did you do that they wanted to test you?
why not just call BnB the king of pedos/necros and be done with it ... saves time
I'm not saying I've never done anything sexual with a child. At the time I was also a child, though.

I don't think that makes me a pedophile.

Also, I've never had sex with the dead.

Just a quadriplegic girl with speech problems.
*There were also a couple of scientific projects in which I participated in college.

L2write dipshit.
Lol, common mistake, you should have used that, not which.

Also, the best way to have said it is while I was in college.

Which is one of the most overused incorrect words used by people in an effort to be correct.

You probably also say "I" improperly also.
Is it really illegal to have sex with the mentally challenged?

When I was in high school I had to look after some girl with spina bifidia (sp?) She was in a wheel chair and couldn't talk. I think she's passed now, but anyway, I was just kidding around and said something sexual. She grunted as she often did, but there was something special about this grunt, like she understood me and wanted to try it out.

So I took her out of the chair, took her diaper off, and went at it. Wiped her off, I even put on a fresh diaper, and put her back in her chair.

Every time I saw her from them on she looked at me.

Was that illegal?