A question I haven't come across an answer to yet

If I put my plants on a 12/12, what happens if I put them back on an 18/6 or 20/4 or even 24/7?

This might have been addressed somewhere else, but like I said I haven't found it yet.
If I put my plants on a 12/12, what happens if I put them back on an 18/6 or 20/4 or even 24/7?

This might have been addressed somewhere else, but like I said I haven't found it yet.
I've read a few places and been told that it causes ALOT of stress on the plants and can also cause the plants to hermaphrodite in some cases. What your doing is telling the plant to go back to growing instead producing flowers, it thinks its fall when the light hours get cut short 12/12 so its going to focus its energy to produce buds so going back to 18/6 the plant has to readjust to just growing and not flowering. Thats the stress factor the readjustment!!! May i ask why you are trying to go back to veg mode??
I started this girl months back. She's survived my shitty ~ yet growing ~ growing knowledge, hundred plus degree heat and ninety plus humidity. I hid her in a closet under a blanket for a night when my landlord showed my apartment to some possible renters and of course she started to sprout hairs. Her brother dropped his balls though, and out he went.

She's got spider mites though, and has for a while. The lady bugs are helping, but she's not quite clean yet and I don't want her buds to begin growing with those little bastards burrowing through them. Reason 1. Conjoins to

Reason B. I just recently got a tent and a light and I've got my little baby rootlings in there just a baking under the light. I've got the ladybugs infested inside and I figure with the enclosed environment they'll be able to scour every single one of the spider mites off every single everything inside within a few days, to include a few of each other probably.

Lastly, she already looks shitty. I mean hit by a fugly truck and shat on by a stuptard dog kind've shitty. But by the gods she's the first of my babies I've ever managed to get this far through my bumbling trial and error and I want her to bloody damned well produce. I figure I can nurse her into some better health before she starts to really go into flowering and give her roots more time to build, which I don't think they fully have yet; I suspect the bud would probably be better for it.

Plus kind've to experiment a little. I mean, I know what the things do under good conditions already right? I know I can't replicate those conditions just yet ~ though I am getting closer a bit at a time ~ so why try to and just see what happens?