a question mainly for the guys...


Well-Known Member

Like this chick. Her face isn't all that, but her body is fire. Motherfuckers wouldn't even care what her face looked like they'd just be staring at that BAWWDY.


Well-Known Member
Whats up with this assumtion that all big girls are nice and cool? I meet fat beeotchs :cuss:all the time
it was part of my original question. initially i had asked which you would prefer and someone said whoever is nicer, so i said lets just assume that they're both nice. because i agree with you. i also meet big bitches a lot myself...lol actually, im one of the "nicest" big girls i know...hahaha and thats not saying much for the rest of them now is it?


Well-Known Member
if this chick is a butterface dude, than i dont know wut the fuck to say....shes up in the 10's hella fine...no flaws...face aint bad at all..

Like this chick. Her face isn't all that, but her body is fire. Motherfuckers wouldn't even care what her face looked like they'd just be staring at that BAWWDY.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Holy shit, could we have some punctuation?
ahaha how fat we talking thats exactly what i was thinking rawhahahaha and i would rather fat and pritty but i only do chubby not fat thats a turn off but on the other hand the girl has a choice to be fat so if she is fat and pritty i would tell her to loose weight so she would bee 100% butt a girl that has a nice body butt is a butter face thats not her choice unless she has money for plastic surgurey soo i would have to say i feel bad 4 the ugly skinny girl so prolly give her pitty sex butt wouldnt touch the fat chick till she lost weight because noone wants to be smaller than the girl their fucking also i hate ppl who say beauty is only skin deep that is bull because everyone knows the diff between hot and not so dont say that it makes you seem worse than someone that can admit when someone is ugly
I don't think she's got a bad face.

Like this chick. Her face isn't all that, but her body is fire. Motherfuckers wouldn't even care what her face looked like they'd just be staring at that BAWWDY.

Big Joop

Active Member
okay, so I stopped reading at page 3, but I think that I can still say something on this matter.... However, I'm wondering if my opinion should even be taken into consideration, seeing as I am thoroughly interested in larger girls as is, and bating the hook with a pretty face only solidifies my answer to the question. I would much rather have the large girl with the pretty face. In what little relationship experience I've had in my 21 years, I've found out that just about every girl I've known who has been curvy is significantly nicer in general than the one's who tend to be skinnier (My ex is the only exception to the rule. She was pipolar, a control freak, and really, after a bit, even her cute nature was just as aggravating as could be).

Now, I did read somewhere that someone (OP maybe?) was a size 18. In my opinion, that is probably the perfect body size for a girl. At that point, she's got just enough curvaceousness to her body, that it's just that right level of ascetically pleasing.

Now, for the shallow side... If you're a big girl... In my opinion at least... You MUST have large breasts. If nothing else, at least breasts proportionate to your body. This is mostly because I am a big guy, and the last thing I want is to be in the buff, right before the act of passion to take place, and have that moment where it feels like I'm looking into a mirror and my penis is gone. That is truly my greatest fear when it comes to larger women... a fear that may very well come into fruition some day...

I like the bigger girls anyways. The question was win-win for me.


Active Member
Idk never done nething over a 12 and have kept it that way...I do agree with being proportionate though but idk but the curvy/thick ones bein nice all of my ex's have been curvy/thick in the exception of one who is now a fucking model (imma fucking retard right?) but they have all been crediably fucking insane and crazy but then again I usually attract that type and have no idea why...even the girl i go with now is thick and she can be batshit crazy sometimes...


Well-Known Member
okay, so I stopped reading at page 3, but I think that I can still say something on this matter.... However, I'm wondering if my opinion should even be taken into consideration, seeing as I am thoroughly interested in larger girls as is, and bating the hook with a pretty face only solidifies my answer to the question. I would much rather have the large girl with the pretty face. In what little relationship experience I've had in my 21 years, I've found out that just about every girl I've known who has been curvy is significantly nicer in general than the one's who tend to be skinnier (My ex is the only exception to the rule. She was pipolar, a control freak, and really, after a bit, even her cute nature was just as aggravating as could be).

Now, I did read somewhere that someone (OP maybe?) was a size 18. In my opinion, that is probably the perfect body size for a girl. At that point, she's got just enough curvaceousness to her body, that it's just that right level of ascetically pleasing.

Now, for the shallow side... If you're a big girl... In my opinion at least... You MUST have large breasts. If nothing else, at least breasts proportionate to your body. This is mostly because I am a big guy, and the last thing I want is to be in the buff, right before the act of passion to take place, and have that moment where it feels like I'm looking into a mirror and my penis is gone. That is truly my greatest fear when it comes to larger women... a fear that may very well come into fruition some day...

I like the bigger girls anyways. The question was win-win for me.
i agree! big girls with small boobs does look weird...lol mine arent huge, but they're not too small either...i think they're in proportion. i think that as long as they have that "boob jiggle" its good...not just a chunk jiggle...if that makes any sense at all. boobs have a different texture than other fatty parts of the body...and a very specific "jiggle" to them...lol.


Active Member
hah so true a good solid jiggle is a good thing i think they had something on the show manswers bout the better the jiggle the less saggy the tits i think...was interesting though...


Well-Known Member
hah so true a good solid jiggle is a good thing i think they had something on the show manswers bout the better the jiggle the less saggy the tits i think...was interesting though...
really? thats pretty funny...i have a good jiggle going on...haha my boys try to get me to jump when im baked...for some reason they seem to think im dumber when im high...*sigh* lol

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My tits are 42 longs, sunny, are you in luck.Lemme pop out my dentures and we'll get started.

I'm kidding.I still have all my teeth.
okay, so I stopped reading at page 3, but I think that I can still say something on this matter.... However, I'm wondering if my opinion should even be taken into consideration, seeing as I am thoroughly interested in larger girls as is, and bating the hook with a pretty face only solidifies my answer to the question. I would much rather have the large girl with the pretty face. In what little relationship experience I've had in my 21 years, I've found out that just about every girl I've known who has been curvy is significantly nicer in general than the one's who tend to be skinnier (My ex is the only exception to the rule. She was pipolar, a control freak, and really, after a bit, even her cute nature was just as aggravating as could be).

Now, I did read somewhere that someone (OP maybe?) was a size 18. In my opinion, that is probably the perfect body size for a girl. At that point, she's got just enough curvaceousness to her body, that it's just that right level of ascetically pleasing.

Now, for the shallow side... If you're a big girl... In my opinion at least... You MUST have large breasts. If nothing else, at least breasts proportionate to your body. This is mostly because I am a big guy, and the last thing I want is to be in the buff, right before the act of passion to take place, and have that moment where it feels like I'm looking into a mirror and my penis is gone. That is truly my greatest fear when it comes to larger women... a fear that may very well come into fruition some day...

I like the bigger girls anyways. The question was win-win for me.


Well-Known Member
if this chick is a butterface dude, than i dont know wut the fuck to say....shes up in the 10's hella fine...no flaws...face aint bad at all..

That's the point. She is the prime example of a butterface. Her face is around a 5-6, but her body is a 10 so that drives her rating up. To each his own though. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a butterface to me, may be a dime to you.


Well-Known Member
I like big girls, so it's pretty much a no brainer.. but I think we can all agree there is such a thing as too big.. when you don;t walk so much as waddel down the street.. or when your shirt is mistaken for a beach towel.. there's a problem
I don't know sizes to know how big you're talking but I always go for personality and a pretty face, body is last.

There are heavy fit girls with good curves and heavy soft ones too though, and my preference is fit even though I'm soft. :)
im not sure but its kinda funny how not 1 single guy has given a straight answer to the actual question... lol round about answers, i take it no1 wants 2 hurt anyones feelings but this is wut i say... skinny girls r ok for arm candy but thats about it! unless their personality has established them as a kind person.. but remember... big girls kno how to cook, take care of their man and no how to give really good head!! lol im all about the important things in life! haha! if it were up to me i'd rather b with a chick that makes me happy regardless of her looks or size!