A Question On Lighting And Amount


Active Member
hi im thinking on steping it up a little im gonna use 4x 600w high pressure sodium lights in a room. wot would yous think in amount under that amount of light thanks for any feed back:?: :-P


Well-Known Member
the maximum is usually considered 10 000 lumens per square foot.

though sometimes 7000 without co2.

by personal experience its not quite true, you do see increased growth over 10 000, even without co2, but its miniscule enough not to worth the effort of cooling that extra light. though i have not tried those figures with co2 in a enclosed enough environment.


Active Member
I have just over 10k lumens per sq/ft 400W HPS (48000 Lumens) in a 4.5 sq/ft box and my plant loves it! Bulb is in a cooltube and with a 200CFM fan blowing through it and i hold temps at 80-85


Well-Known Member
4 600's will optimally cover a 6.5' x 10' area. Its "optimal" which means you could get away with a little less


Well-Known Member
whats the optimal distance for a 600hps from the tops? ... its in a yeildmaster2 w/6" 485cmf fan ... heat is no problem .. but if get to close 12" the tops of my plants get yellow looking, like the light is trying to bleach em, when i move it back up to around 24" from the tops they come back green.

the bloom room is 30"d x 46"w x 8't


Active Member
hi im thinking on steping it up a little im gonna use 4x 600w high pressure sodium lights in a room. wot would yous think in amount under that amount of light thanks for any feed back:?: :-P
13000 lumens per square foot optimal. I base this on all the seed companies and other growers use a 1000 watt HPS in a square meter tent,
or a space that equals a square meter. 1000 watt HPS = 140000 lumens. Square meter is 10.7639 square feet. 140000 divided by 10.7839 =
13006 lumens. So 4X 600 watts, @ 95000 lumens each, I'd go with 29.21 square feet to maximize lumens, and space. Remember, after the
1st 12", you lose 1/2 your lumens per each 6" thereafter. Make sure if you use HPS, especially 2400 watts worth, get some pretty good active

And, 1 plant per square foot. I hope this helps.


Active Member
thank for ur advise see im not clued up with the lumens per area but a friend said usully 100w per plant.think im looking to be a bit greedy an c if i cud squeeze a few more than 20 in but i want a nice yeild still.but u's think a little more than 20???? thanks