A quick question

kenny ken 77

Active Member
I was just wondering whether it is possible, to prune many of my girls lower branches/leaves whilst they're in flower, it's been 32 days since I switched to 12hrs, the lower parts are getting hardly no light, as I left them about a week to long before flowering. I'm concerned if I do remove much of the lower growth increasing space, I'll stress them, though budding is slow,only the middle of 9 is looking good, I'm thinking not enough light maybe or they are using to much energy on these lower parts. My set up is a 1.5 x 1.5 x 2m tent, a meter square NFT, with a 600W light an exhaust fan,an intake fan plus a small oscilating fan, any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated,thank you.


Well-Known Member
yes it is fine. I don't trim them off I use the small buds for my hash/butter so I always keep them on


Active Member
yea its cool to trim just do all ur trimmin at once not trim a couple then tmw trim a couple more than u will stress it just do it all at once or not at all