A rational, reasonable price for pot?

I think you guys are jumping the gun here, there are quite a few states who are 3-5 years away from even being med states, let alone being legal

then theres states that are already getting their ducks in a row to regulate and legalize in 2013...

in 2-3 years over 1/2 the country will be regulated...they need the $$$$

On Election Day, voters in the states of Colorado and Washington approved ballot initiatives to remove criminal penalties for adult marijuana use and regulate the substance in a manner similar to alcohol

State legislators from Rhode Island and Maine on Thursday 11/15/12 will join the Marijuana Policy Project on a teleconference press call to announce that they are introducing similar bills to tax and regulate marijuana in their state legislatures.

I wonder if hemp is legal to grow??? hemp is the reason marijuana became illegal in the first place...only contains 1- 3% thc
Actually, my estimate for "production" is $5 to $20 per pound. Yes, I am assuming outdoor production. You could probably double the estimate for greenhouse production.

Thats no estimate thats a guess....... spread to big 5-20. anyone can come up with that come on were not all kids here
then theres states that are already getting their ducks in a row to regulate and legalize in 2013...

in 2-3 years over 1/2 the country will be regulated...they need the $$$$

I wonder if hemp is legal to grow??? hemp is the reason marijuana became illegal in the first place...only contains 1- 3% thc

Not in Washington. They would have to breed special hemp with less than 0.3% THC to avoid breaking state law. Which is bullshit, because people kept saying it would legalize hemp.
I skipped most of this, but I see that pot is being compared to tobacco - but cigarette tobacco - crap, bits and sweepings of all sorts of plagued leaf that is cured practicly over night and then treated with god knows what. This isn't the way fine pot is crafted and it isn't the way good tobacco is put together either.

Compare that with fine cigar tobacco. Those leaves are touched over and over again, they are grown in shade, caressed, watched over, loved, cured, sweated, stacked, unstacked and finally expertly blended and rolled. A good cigar will retail at anywhere from 5 to 40 bucks and weigh somewhere around what? a quarter to half an ounce depending on the size. So if you want to compare such things we are still talking about retail of 80 to 140 dollars an ounce.
Well, you can't compare some brick mexican to high quality hand trimmed and cured indoor. It's like comparing Schlitz and Bell's Brewery.
I think $10 a gram is a good price for the highest quality indoor. I do mean the highest quality. The kind of outdoor Cali stuff that finds its way to the middle of the country around $5. Mexican brick about $1 or less.
Obviously taxes will change what is realistic for retailers. But as for as a fair price for consumers... the above.
This is retail... Per gram. Like fucking butter. :-P A commodity.

$10 a gram in tax? Damn.
I skipped most of this, but I see that pot is being compared to tobacco - but cigarette tobacco - crap, bits and sweepings of all sorts of plagued leaf that is cured practicly over night and then treated with god knows what. This isn't the way fine pot is crafted and it isn't the way good tobacco is put together either.

Compare that with fine cigar tobacco. Those leaves are touched over and over again, they are grown in shade, caressed, watched over, loved, cured, sweated, stacked, unstacked and finally expertly blended and rolled. A good cigar will retail at anywhere from 5 to 40 bucks and weigh somewhere around what? a quarter to half an ounce depending on the size. So if you want to compare such things we are still talking about retail of 80 to 140 dollars an ounce.

Canndo, you might want to reread. This has been one of the forum's more wide-ranging threads imo. (Shameless plug: I mentioned the cigar model as well.) cn
20 a pound huh? Let's see: trimming no problem, adapt a cotton gin to pull the flowers off, roll them in a solution to mat them, dry them and run them through a machine to shred them and then spit out rolled jays. Same as tobacco and twenty don't get but three or four packs of butts. Cut off the filters and I bet they don't weigh in at an ounce.
Canndo, you might want to reread. This has been one of the forum's more wide-ranging threads imo. (Shameless plug: I mentioned the cigar model as well.) cn

Well, as I said, I didn't read it much at all, 21 pages of evolution is too much
If caught with mex brick brown schwag You should get punched in the nuts and sent to growers prison for 3 months while learning to grow dank.
$3 a gram for the grower (as suggested by WA's initiative) for regular outdoor stuff would still work out not too badly, you'd just have to stop selling lids and switch up to kgs and you'd maintain your money stream I suppose.

you can grow excellent indoor for $3 a gram.