Well-Known Member
I think you guys are jumping the gun here, there are quite a few states who are 3-5 years away from even being med states, let alone being legal
then theres states that are already getting their ducks in a row to regulate and legalize in 2013...
in 2-3 years over 1/2 the country will be regulated...they need the $$$$
On Election Day, voters in the states of Colorado and Washington approved ballot initiatives to remove criminal penalties for adult marijuana use and regulate the substance in a manner similar to alcohol
State legislators from Rhode Island and Maine on Thursday 11/15/12 will join the Marijuana Policy Project on a teleconference press call to announce that they are introducing similar bills to tax and regulate marijuana in their state legislatures.
I wonder if hemp is legal to grow??? hemp is the reason marijuana became illegal in the first place...only contains 1- 3% thc