A Real Grow that I Made Up: Super Skunk


Active Member
Last winter I sponged as much information as I could from the forums and started off for my first grow attempt. I had purchased some Maple Leaf Indica seeds from Sensi while in Holland and mailed them back from the Czech Republic. Seeds arrived safe and sound. Long story short, put them into a grow tent with a 400w system and just kept it simple. Things went beautifully, minus some painful lessons learned about my feline's access to the grow tent. Out of ten seeds, took three females to maturity (all organic) and yielded approximately 100g/plant. Taste was out of this world, extremely sweet - wonderful earthy, dank aroma. The high was very much trademark indica couchlock. Incredible experience, couldn't have done it without the forum. Sadly I didn't post a journal...

SO, to make up for it - I going to post start to finish with Round Two, Super Skunk (Sensi, mailed back from holland with MLI.) And as a bonus treat, here are some photos from the end of the Maple Leaf grow.

Enjoy and stay tuned...

***It goes without saying that all content is completely fictional***



Active Member
Here is the setup:

Homebox L (3'x3'x6'): For space / cost / security reasons, I decided to go with a Homebox. Had no issues with it last round. I've heard some complaints about the material, the zippers, the light leaks - didn't notice any of this. Takes about 15 minutes to put together/take apart, easy to clean, very sturdy.

400W HPS/MH: Using a cooltube setup that brings the lights inline with the exhaust, cooling lights and exhausting room with same fan.

Fantech FR150: 243 cfm, 6" duct, high quality, got a great discount on ebay.

Carbon Filter: 6"x12" can filter, refillable, works like a charm.

12 CFL Bulbs (6 blue/white + 6 red): Used for seedlings and then side lighting for adults.

Last round with the Maple Leaf I went all organic, start to finish, no clones. Used Ocean Forrest soil and Big Bloom, nothing else but love and some ph'd water. The plants were slightly undersized, minus one lovely long lady, but no health issues. Didn't do any pruning.

This round with the Super Skunk I'm hoping to still keep it simple, Ocean Forrest (will throw some Grow Big in this time), Big Bloom, and lovin'. The big difference will be the cloning setup and I pruning. Going to attempt the cloning process, see how things turn out, but still need to establish some sort of cloning/veg chamber as there won't be room for this in the tent. My thoughts are that I will take clones from all vegging plants, put those clones in the cloning chamber under some floros, grow the main plants out, discarding males and corresponding male clones, then after harvest select the which cuttings to use, saving one to do a bonsai mom situation (space issues.) Thoughts on this are appreciated.

No big expectations but to enjoy the experience, learn what I can, and stay vigilant about documentation. Oh yeah, and smoke some homegrown.

I'll write the last idea down so I don't forget.

Here are some pics of the grow setup that is from this completely fictional grow...



Active Member
Germinated ten seeds with the paper towel method, placed inside DVD case, case on top of warm wireless router. Thanks McGyver! All ten germinated, put into organic starter plugs in humidity dome yesterday. Plugs are moist to the touch, not soaking wet. That's what she said.

Going to leave the dome lid on until 80% are sprouted.

Here are some proud papa pics that are totally not real...



Well-Known Member
That last grow of yours was beautiful; good luck on this one man.

I was thinkin' about gettin' a homebox aswell. I will keep an eye on this to help me decide.


Active Member
Thank you. I enjoyed the Maple Leaf as well.

There was something really special about watching the process for the first time, especially in soil, no pruning, with very pure Afghani genes. The three plants had enough space to grow where they wanted. The two smaller plants were about 3', very broad leaves, bushy, dense. The tall lady went about 4' 5", huge main cola and then sparse bunches gazing back up towards the top. I have heard other MLI growers experience this phenotype. Probably wouldn't clone for space issues, but a sight to see.

Didn't notice that much of a difference in the smoke of the two phenotypes.


Active Member
All ten seeds sprouted, looks like one decided to end it last night. Game of murder mystery gone wrong. The rest look like they are doing fine, one seems to be struggling with the seed cap. I had some bad experience trying to pull this off last grow, letting nature take its course. Possibly some stretching, hopefully lights closer will remedy.

Have four 27W CFL's on the seedlings. For the CFL's, I just took the plastic hood off of a couple bendy desk lamps, stuck in a splitter. Started off with the light about 6" away when they broke through the plugs. Now I've moved plants up so the light is about 2" away (flipped the humidity dome lid upside down and used it to hold up the tray). At two weeks, I'll put on the 400w metal halide.

115v computer fan blowing over the stems, helping cool the heat from the lights. Clip on oscillating fan must have broken in storage, isn't working at all - trip to Home Depot soon.

Humidity between 42% - 50%. Small tupperware container of water in the room to maintain.

Temps as low as 75, as high as 88. Nothing to worry about so far.

Feel free to post any thoughts or questions.

Some fake pics...


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Wow, looks like you and I have some similarities growing-wise. I am also about to start my second fake grow and I am using Super Skunk as well, among others. I also lost 2 plants on my first imaginary grow to pet damage. My dog ate them. The last thing is that I too have had that problem with the shell sticking on the sprout. I decided to leave it on and it didn't fall off for five days. The sprout just stopped growing. I finally pulled it off and the plant slowly started to grow again. It ended up being as big as the rest, just 2 weeks behind. So I hope that your Super Skunk turn out to be super awesome. I'm kind of worried about the smell myself. My first strain has almost no odor despite being very potent bud. I still have a bunch of clones from that going so the Skunk will have to wait for just a while.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
its comming along nice keep up the goodwork, ill post pics soon of what i "wish" i was growing to compare with. <super skunk-white label.


Active Member
Wow, looks like you and I have some similarities growing-wise. I am also about to start my second fake grow and I am using Super Skunk as well, among others. I also lost 2 plants on my first imaginary grow to pet damage. My dog ate them. The last thing is that I too have had that problem with the shell sticking on the sprout. I decided to leave it on and it didn't fall off for five days. The sprout just stopped growing. I finally pulled it off and the plant slowly started to grow again. It ended up being as big as the rest, just 2 weeks behind. So I hope that your Super Skunk turn out to be super awesome. I'm kind of worried about the smell myself. My first strain has almost no odor despite being very potent bud. I still have a bunch of clones from that going so the Skunk will have to wait for just a while.:mrgreen::peace:
I learned to keep an extra spray bottle near me at all times in case cat gets curious again. As far as the seed cap, friend told me it is oftentimes easier to crack the seed cap in half rather than pull it off, this breaks it to a point of allowing the cotelydons to unfold.

Did you cure the first strain? I was concerned about a lack of aroma when I first harvested, but after a few weeks of curing things really perked up. Worth the wait.


Active Member
Roots were coming out of the bottom of the starter plugs so I transfered to the Ocean Forrest today. As compared with the MLI, the Super Skunk is growing at a much faster rate initially. Transfered to 6" pots, use a 3:1 soil perlite ratio. The soil was a little moist, not wet by any means - want those roots a lookin'.

Read about how early seedlings can go under a MH, s eems to be differing opinions. I've read about people throwing them under a 1000W right away without any issue. I've heard some say that HID lighting is too intense for seedlings. Some say it's ok as long as the light is sufficient distance from the plants....Decided to go for it, the light is about 4' away and my gut tells me they are fine. It's a 400W lamp, don't think there should be problems, but I'll continue to monitor. Gave the babies a little mist and put them to bed. Leaving lights on 24, see if it makes any difference other than to my electrical bill.

Photoshopped Illusions...


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Did you cure the first strain? I was concerned about a lack of aroma when I first harvested, but after a few weeks of curing things really perked up. Worth the wait.
Yeah, it's been curing for about three weeks now. It didn't smell when it was growing on the plant, but break open a bud now and it is super funky!

And my first grow I put my seedlings under a 400watt MH four days after they sprouted. They loved it. Just start with it about 30 inches away.


Well-Known Member
i purchased a pack from nirvana mar 05, from this breeder we recieved 10 seeds 4 females, fast forward this strain is still #1 of many we cultivate. if you find a plant with good balance of size smell and taste this could be a end all strain.

our plant smell almost chocalate and will buzz you all day, and every time you smoke.
i have smoked this one strain daily for 4 months enjoying every toke.

SS is one of my favorites


Active Member
i purchased a pack from nirvana mar 05, from this breeder we recieved 10 seeds 4 females, fast forward this strain is still #1 of many we cultivate. if you find a plant with good balance of size smell and taste this could be a end all strain.

our plant smell almost chocalate and will buzz you all day, and every time you smoke.
i have smoked this one strain daily for 4 months enjoying every toke.

SS is one of my favorites
Can't wait...I've heard amazing things. Figured it would be a great plant to start attempting cloning. Would be interested to hear about any special head's up about the strain. Did you have any issues that you feel are unique to SS? Anything to look out for?

Feedback always appreciated.


Active Member
Temps holding right around 83. Yesterday almost hit 90, a little iffy about that number, I had the thermometer pretty close to the lights, moved it - temp readings are much more stable. Humidty right around 50.

Shitty little clip on fan busted so I grabbed a standard table oscillating fan, might have issues once the tent fills out, plenty of space right now.

Moved the MH about six inches closer, seedlings don't seem to be stressed. Some are showing a little bit of slowed growth from the transplant. Otherwise, so far so good. No water today, they'll get a little bit tomorrow.

Some drawings I made in third grade...



Active Member
Temp dropped today, low around 73 in the grow room, high was 89. Humidity between 45-60.

Watered plants with ph'd water today. I use the pick up the bucket and feel the weight method, although I have a moisture meter for those cloudly days where the memory just isn't happening. Moved lights down about another 6". They seem to be loving the light, will probably move until they are about 10 inches or so from the plants.

All seem to be about the same place in the growth stage, minus one runt.

Here are some barely legal pics...must be 18!!!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Everything looks very nice. Only thing to worry about is temps above 85 will cause slow growth. I don't even like my temps above 80. These plants just grow so much faster when the temps are cooler. I've found low 70's to be the best. The thing is, with my room at 73 degrees, if you move the thermometer directly under the light at the hottest part of my canopy it reads 86 or sometimes low 90's. So with that said, if the cooler parts of your room are getting up to 89 that is bad but if that is the hottest part then no problem. And I would continue to move the light down bit by bit each day. What you want to watch for is the edges of the leaves curling upwards. That's when it's too close.