A resin question


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who seems to think the black resin (like you would scrape from a bowl) is high in thc. I just think that stuff is nasty as hell to smoke, but im not sure about how strong it is. You think the resin is stronger than the weed it came from?


Well-Known Member
Scrape and smoke it.....you'll agree with him.

Sorry...misread....Thought you meant scissor resin from trimming.

But from what I hear some people do smoke pipe/bong resin...I pass on it though. Too harsh for my lungs.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard that this is actually all the crap thats leftover and not resin at all just tar.
I may be wrong though and in my youth smoked loads of scraped bowls and bongs.
There is probably a bit of cbd and thc in it but not much.
I wouldn't bother anymore though:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats what im saying. I feel like im smoking straight up tar, and that can't be good right?

The next morning after smoking that shit isnt nice either, plenty of phleme to cough up


Well-Known Member
personally, i scraped resin today when i was out of bud.

Very much an indica, body stone. I was so fucked up when i went back to work, i was going to get my buddy there to run for me because i was so stoned, i was afraid of mixing people's orders up.

Resin definately will get you high.
As good as weed?

fuck no.
Nothing gets you higher or tastes better than the buddha.

but if you have to, go for it. Bong stems, pipes, roaches.

Do what you can try, we gotta get high!


Active Member
Resin hitting your bowls/bongs is a way to get high when you run out of weed and have no other way to get it at that time. Pretty much the bottom of the barrel.. Sometimes I don't even stoop that low


Well-Known Member
idk bout that but my friend told me that resin gives u a more intense high that lasts shorter then regular buds effects.


Well-Known Member
idk bout that but my friend told me that resin gives u a more intense high that lasts shorter then regular buds effects.
first person perspective

i was more "incoherently" fucked up from resin today than i usually am from straight bud. I smoked around 2:30 for around an hour and I was fucked up, not stoned, fucked up untill about 7? I remember looking at a meal ticket and seeing what time it was and thinking "wow, im rather sober"

so yeah


Well-Known Member
well i guess that the only difference between bud and resin is resin gets u more fucked up and bud just gets you stoned.