A simple dryer


Well-Known Member
Tools and Supplies> Knife, Marker, Drill, 1/8" drill bit, 3/4 drill bit.

Step 1> Choose a box

Step 2>Use magic marker to make dots around a piece of the ducting of your choice.

Step 3> drill 1/8" holes on the dots and then use sharp knife to cut circle. TiP: cut small, you can always cut more.

Step 4> Drill 2 1/8" holes to either tie a string or if you have some amazing green tie stuff with the wire in it, just loop through>crimp>pull tight>repeat on other side...

Step 5> Drill some 3/4 "holes in the bottom of the box for a passive ventilation. You can put cotton in the holes if you like to keep dust out. I didn't, I think dust adds flavor.

Step 6> place some white copy paper in the bottom in a nice neat layering method, one over the other. This will make it easy to dump one onto the other and collect anything that falls off your plants.

Step 7> Run ducting into you tent and blow the air inside>circulating it into either a flower room or something with a carbon filter.

FInish and fill with your favorite strain.

Also remember! You can fold the box up when you are done and slide under you bed or something, this thing should last indefinitely (maybe a little tape here or there).


