A Simple Pruning Question


Active Member
once my plants become a few feet tall and its that time to prune, can I cut off every single fan leaf or will that put the plant in shock? I know it will go into some shock either way cause I will be cuttin its leaves off but will the plant go far enough into shock that it would die, if I where to cut every fan leaf off. The only reason I desire to cut every fan leaf off is due to size of my grow space, along with the fact that the fan leaves cover my bud spots from getting light. So all in all am i could to chop all of the fan leaves off when pruning comes?


Well-Known Member
Dont prune unless the leaves begin to die, which the lower fans will duriing flower. At that point cut them by the leaf and let the stem die off and fall on its own.

Like he said dont do it mon. If it is room you are worried about tie it down but dont start messing with the internal system.


Well-Known Member
it'll be a popcorn tree. don't prune off your plant's solar panels
Very true! Just cut the little leaves at the bottom that arnt gonna get any light at all, not the fan leaves as these are very important for growth and flowering alike! Also try not to prune after the second week of flower. Better yet "pinch" the leaves off instead of cutting this is a much better practise and wont shock the ladies as much!