Well-Known Member
Well, if I ever did post at stormfront I am sure you would read it.
i'm sure you do post at stormfront. what's your username over there?
Well, if I ever did post at stormfront I am sure you would read it.
You got that right and you're tripping all over your feet dude.
Where's that proof of yours canndo, your waltz is over?
i'm sure you do post at stormfront. what's your username over there?
Frankly, the only lies I can think of that were reported as news have come from the liberal media. In my experience, Fox news does a pretty good job of accurately reporting the news.
Now, of course, every news organization makes mistakes and I am willing to forgive those but the egregious examples of politically motivated blatant lying come almost entirely from the left.
If you don't like conservative opinion, then don't listen to O'Reilly and Hannity, etc. Likewise, if you don't like liberal opinion, don't listen to Ed Schultz.
Ratings numbers clearly show, by a huge margin, that Americans prefer conservative opinion shows like O'Reilly, etc. Tough shit, get over it.
You have assumed a whole lot about me over the past months. Assuming you know the minds of others seems to be what you do best, Bucky.
You have assumed a whole lot about me over the past months. Assuming you know the minds of others seems to be what you do best, Bucky.
i never created any accounts at stormfront, you racist dickbag.
you're just all angry and bent out of shape that your posts would make any stormfront shithead proud.
now that is a tough fact to swallow now, isn't it?
You do delightfully cheer to news of growers getting busted. You have done it repeatedly because it is an opportunity to paint Obama as something other than the most liberal on cannabis of any sitting president in history. This is exactly in keeping with the forte of those who seek to keep it prohibited. We all know you're a DEA agent. That is why a few people who have pissed you off have disappeared. RAT!
After reading your stormfront accusations against red1966, and comparing the dates listed on the quotes you posted here it is pretty damn clear that either your or Cheesus created that SF account.
If you had an ounce of decency in your body, you would apologize to Red, and then go over to SF and delete that account. I am not holding my breath until you do the right thing, though.
I could not care less what stormfronters think, or post. I had never heard of stormfront until you started talking about them.
Then I will call you a polite chicken shit liar!
You never once proved Fox News lied any more than the other media outlets, you only posted stories from Fox that you perceived as lies. I asked you to prove they lied any more than the rest, where is your proof? That is what I asked of you my friend, so don't try and squirm out of it
After reading your stormfront accusations against red1966, and comparing the dates listed on the quotes you posted here it is pretty damn clear that either your or Cheesus created that SF account.
If you had an ounce of decency in your body, you would apologize to Red, and then go over to SF and delete that account. I am not holding my breath until you do the right thing, though.
I could not care less what stormfronters think, or post. I had never heard of stormfront until you started talking about them.
the guy who would be a hit on stormfront is talking about having decency.
Beenthere you ask what cannot be given to your satisfaction, which is why I suspect you did it as you did. I gave a partial list of FOX lies and then followed that with all of the references to lies from the other outlets.
Tell me exactly what I could present to you that would have you believe that FOX lies more than the other organizations.
I don't know about Beenthere, but if you would post some actual, intentional lies from Fox News (not opinion pieces) it would help in making your case.
The despicable conduct of ABC and CBS regarding the Zimmerman case would be a good template for you to follow, for example.
stormfront material all the way there.
Beenthere you ask what cannot be given to your satisfaction, which is why I suspect you did it as you did. I gave a partial list of FOX lies and then followed that with all of the references to lies from the other outlets.
Tell me exactly what I could present to you that would have you believe that FOX lies more than the other organizations.
How about some proof instead of your opinion!